<PackageReference Include="Relativity.Server.Utility.SDK" Version="5000.0.0" />


public class URI
Provides static methods for manipulating path strings.
public URI()

public static void EnsureDirectoryExists(string path)

Creates the directory and sub-directories of the provided path.

public static string GetFullyQualifiedPath(string path, Uri baseURI)

Gets the fully qualified path using the provided relative and base path.

public static bool IsPathFullyQualified(string path)

Indicates whether or not the provided path is fully qualified.

public static string ParentDirectoryName()

Gets the parent directory name of the currently executing assembly.

public static bool TryCastEnsureHTTP(string url, ref Uri out)

Casts the provided string to a Url if possible, ensuring that it uses either HTTP or HTTPS.

public virtual string GetFullyQualifiedPathInstanced(string path, Uri baseURI)

Gets the fully qualified path using the provided relative and base path.