Represents the space available on a particular drive.
Gets the name of this drive.
Gets the percentage of free space available on this drive.
Gets the total free space available on this drive.
Gets the total space available on this drive.
Gets the percentage of used space available on this drive.
Gets the space used on this drive on this drive.
Gets the free space available to the user on this drive.
Initializes a new instance of DriveSpace retrieving
information for the specified drive name.
Initializes a new instance of DriveSpace retrieving
information for the specified drive name. Retries
the specified number of times on failure.
Converts the provided number of bytes to a formatted string representing the number of megabytes.
E.g. 50000000000 -> "47,683.716 MB"
Converts the provided number of bytes to gigabytes.
Populates this DriveSpace instance with retry on failure.
Gets a string report of the information about this drive.