<PackageReference Include="Relativity.Server.Utility.SDK" Version="5000.0.0" />


public class Directory : IDirectoryHelper
Provides access to methods that manipulate directories on disk.
public static Directory Instance { get; }

Gets the singleton instance of Directory.

protected Directory()

public static bool IsValidUNCPath(string fullpath)

Checks folder path to see if it is valid, unc and absolute paths only

public static string MakeLongPath(string path)

Prepends the provided path, if it is longer than 258 characters, with a network path prepend.

public static bool PathIsWritable(string path)

Checks the path to see if it is writable.

public string Combine(string path1, string path2)

public virtual void CreateDirectory(string directory)

public void Delete(string directory, bool recursive)

public virtual void DeleteDirectoryIfExists(string directory, bool recursive, bool exceptOnExistenceCheckError)

public virtual IEnumerable<FileInfo> EnumerateFiles(DirectoryInfo directoryInfo)

public virtual bool Exists(string directory, bool exceptOnAccessError)

public bool Exists(string directoryPath)

public virtual string[] GetDirectoryList(string path)

public virtual string[] GetFiles(string path)

public virtual string[] GetFiles(string path, string searchPattern, SearchOption searchOption)

public DirectoryElements GetFilesAndDirectories(string fullpath, int maximumElements)

public virtual string GetTempPath()

public virtual bool IsDirectory(string path)

public virtual bool IsEmpty(string fullPath)

public virtual bool IsValid(string fullPath)

public void MakeNotReadOnly(string path, bool recursive)