<PackageReference Include="Relativity.Server.Utility.SDK" Version="5000.0.0" />


Namespace with 77 public types


 Array Provides access to static methods for operating over arrays.
 BitCollection Represents a collection of bit values.
 Buffer Manages a provided .
 BufferAcquisitionException Represents an exceptional failure attempting to acquire a buffer.
 BufferPool Represents a resizable buffer pool.
 CacheItemValueInitializationException Represents an exceptional failure attempting to intialize a cache item.
 CachingOptions Represents options for cache entry creation and expiration.
 CollectionParameterBuilder`1 Maintains a set of SQL parameters as well as their CSV string representation.
 CombinedTextReader Represents an aggregate of various text readers.
 Config Provides access to kCura.Utility configuration values. [LogAllEvents, CreateErrorForInvalidDate, IOErrorNumberOfRetries, IOErrorWaitTimeInSeconds, ExportErrorNumberOfRetries, ExportErrorWaitTimeInSeconds]
 DataSetFactory Simple class to create a dataset with a single datatable. This class is useful for testing and building mockups
 DataTable Provides static utility methods for manipulating data table representations.
 DateTime Provides static utility methods for manipulating instances of .
 DecimalHelper Provides static methods for validating scale and precision of instances of .
 DelimitedFileCell An empty class.
 Directory Provides access to methods that manipulate directories on disk.
 DirectoryElements Represents a collection of directories and files.
 Drive Represents a hard drive.
 DriveInfoWrap Wraps an instance of .
 DriveSpace Represents the space available on a particular drive.
 DriveSpaceException Represents an exceptional state while attempting to store data on disk.
 EnumExtensions Wraps methods as extensions.
 EnumHelper Provides static methods for manipulating instances of .
 ExecutionTimer A lightweight time measurement utility, with a using-style measurement mechanism.
 FileSystem Provides static methods for retreiving network paths relative to a particular machine.
 GenericCsvReader Imports files containing comma-separated values.
 GuidBuilder Duplicates a subset of the functionality of .
 HtmlUtility Utility class for working with HTML
 InjectionManager Manages injection points.
 JdbcHelper Provides static methods for translating SQL server connection strings to java-based connection strings.
 LazyDictionaryCache`2 An implementation backed by a .
 LazyMemoryCache Represents a singleton memory cache storing lazy values
 MD5 Provide static methods for MD5 hashing streams and strings.
 NullableTypesEnhanced This class has functions with enhanced functionality of some of the functions in nullableTypes.
 NullableTypesHelper Provides methods for converting nullable types.
 Observer Raises events that provide status of an arbitrary operation.
 OnProcessFileEvent An event representing the start of file processing.
 ParameterCompression Provides static methods for string compression.
 ParameterSerialization Provides static methods for XML serialization and deserialization.
 ProcessHelper Provides the ability to delegate the execution of an executable to another thread.
 QueryStringBuilder A data bag storing a URL and empty name-value collection.
 ReflectionHelper Helps discover implementations through reflection
 RetryHelper Provides access to methods for retrying a provided delegate with either failover or retry.
 SafeFindHandle Represents a file handle.
 SHA1 Provides static methods for SHA1 hashing streams and strings.
 SQLInjectionHelper Provides static methods to validate string for use in SQL statements.
 Stream Provides static methods for manipulating instances of .
 Strings Provides static methods for manipulating instance of .
 SystemTime Represents a particular moment in time on the system.
 Text Provides static access to encoding information.
 TrustedIPHelper Provides methods for verifying IP addresses' trust level.
 Type Wraps access to operators over instances of .
 TypedLazyMemoryCache`2 A wrapper around a with generic key and value types.
 URI Provides static methods for manipulating path strings.
 UrlParser Provides static methods for parsing and manipulating instances of .
 VersionHelper The VersionHelper class contains methods for working with version numbers as string.
 XmlHelper Provides static methods for generating audit elements as well as XML serialization/deserialization.

Abstract Classes

 DelimitedFileImporter Abstract representation of a file importer that operates over delimited files.
 ImporterExceptionBase Represents an exceptional failure attempting to import data
 ImprovedDelimitedFileImporter Attempts to improve upon , without the same object ancestry. Appears to be abandoned and unreferenced.
 LazyItemPerWorkspaceCache`2 Base implementation for storing items in the .
 LazyTableCache`3 Base implementation for storing table data in the .


 IDrive Represents the parameters of a hard disk drive.
 IDriveInfo Represents information about a particular drive.
 IRetryLogger Represents the ability to log retry events.
 ISearchQueryTranslator Represents the ability to translate a search query to a valid SQL string.