Represents a singleton memory cache storing lazy values
Used to determine the cache expiration policy passed to the underlying MemoryCache.
Gets the singleton instance of this LazyMemoryCache.
protected LazyMemoryCache()
Initializes a new instance of LazyMemoryCache.
Clears the cache.
public object GetOrAdd(string key, object factoryData, Func<string, object, CancellationToken, object> valueFactory, Action<string, object, object, CacheEntryRemovedReason> removeCallback, TimeSpan expirationTimeSpan, ExpirationType expirationType, TimeSpan maxValueFactoryExecutionTime, int maxValueFactoryRetryAttempts = 1)
Retrieves an object from the cache with the given key.
public object GetOrAdd(string key, object factoryData, Func<string, object, CancellationToken, object> valueFactory, Action<string, object, object, CacheEntryRemovedReason> removeCallback, TimeSpan expirationTimeSpan, ExpirationType expirationType, TimeSpan maxValueFactoryExecutionTime, int maxValueFactoryRetryAttempts, bool waitForCompletionOnTimeout)
Retrieves an object from the cache with the given key.
Removes a cache entry from the cache.