Exposes methods for creating, reading, updating, and deleting agents, as well as various helper methods.
Adds a single agent to Relativity.
Adds multiple copies of an agent to Relativity.
Removes an agent after it finishes executing.
Removes an agent conditionally waiting for it to finish executing.
Retrieves a list of all agent servers in a Relativity environment.
Retrieves a list of agent types.
Uses the Artifact ID of a specific agent type to retrieve a list of compatible agent servers.
Uses the GUID of a specific agent type to retrieve a list of compatible agent servers.
Retrieves basic metadata for an agent, including its name, type, interval, and other properties.
Task<AgentResponse> ReadAsync(int workspaceID, int agentID, bool includeMetadata, bool includeActions)
Retrieves extended metadata for an agent, including information about additional actions available.
Modifies the properties of an agent.
Restricts updates to the properties of the agent to the date that it was last modified
Task<List<AgentInstanceLimitResult>> ValidateCreateInstanceLimitAsync(int workspaceID, AgentRequest agentRequest, int count)
Indicates whether adding a new agent exceeds the limits for the agent type in a Relativity environment or server.
Indicates whether deleting an agent violates the lower limit for an agent type in a Relativity environment, resource pool, or server.
Task<List<AgentInstanceLimitResult>> ValidateUpdateInstanceLimitAsync(int workspaceID, int agentID, AgentRequest agentRequest)
Indicates whether modifying an agent violates the minimum or maximum limit for the agent type in a Relativity environment, resource pool, or server.