<PackageReference Include="Relativity.Server.Services.Interfaces.SDK" Version="5000.0.2" />


Namespace with 42 public types


 ApplicationHostingStatusResponse Object that contains the readiness status of an application
 ApplicationInstallConflict Represents a conflict found during application install validation.
 ApplicationInstallConflictResolution Represents a resolution for a conflict found during application install validation.
 ApplicationInstallDetail Contains the installation details for an individual artifact within the specified application.
 ApplicationInstallSearchItem Returns the status of an application installation for an application and workspace combination.
 ApplicationInstallSearchResponse Contains the results and paging options for an application installation search.
 CancelApplicationInstallResponse The response to a cancel installation request containing a list of installation identifiers and a list of messages.
 CancelApplicationInstallResult Holds the result of a cancel installation request for a single application install.
 CancelLibraryInstallResponse The response to a cancel a single library installation request.
 CreateLibraryApplicationResponse The response to an application create request containing the installation identifier and actions.
 CustomPageHostingStatusResponse A response from the API around the current state of custom pages and whether or not they are ready to accept requests
 GetApplicationInstallDetailsResponse Returns the application install details for a given application and application install ID.
 GetOutdatedWorkspacesResponse Contains the total number of workspaces that have a lower version of the specified application installed than the version currently installed in the Application Library.
 InstallApplicationAllRequest Represents a request for installing an application into one or more workspaces.
 InstallApplicationRequest Represents a request for installing an application into one or more workspaces.
 InstallApplicationResponse The response to an application install request containing a list of installation identifiers and messages.
 InstallApplicationResult Holds the result of an individual install request for a workspace.
 InstallStatusSummary A breakdown of an application's install status across all workspaces.
 InstallValidationResult Represents the actions required to fix install validation failures.
 LibraryApplicationResponse Contains metadata for a library application.
 NameValidationRequest Contains the requested new name for an existing artifact causing a name or friendly name conflict.
 NameValidationResponse Validates the new name requested for an artifact causing a name or friendly name conflict.
 PackageDetailsResponse Response containing application details after temporary package is uploaded.
 RetryLibraryInstallResponse The response to an application install retry request containing the installation identifier and a list of actions.
 UpdateLibraryApplicationRequest Represents a request for creating or updating a Library Application.
 UpdateLibraryApplicationResponse The response to an application create request containing the installation identifier and actions.
 ValidationResult Holds the validation results that would have resulted if an application were to be installed into the target workspace.


 ApplicationComponentType Identifies the type of a component in an application.
 ApplicationInstallConflictResolutionType Indicates how the conflict should be resolved.
 ApplicationInstallConflictType Indicates the type of installation conflict that requires a resolution.
 ApplicationInstallTargetOption Installation options when installing or upgrading an application in all workspaces.
 InstallStatusCode The available codes for an application install status.
 LibraryApplicationRequiredFlag Indicates whether an application is required, required if present or optional.
 LicenseStatus The current state of the application license.
 ReadinessState The status of whether or not the component is accessible and ready to be used


 IInstallApplicationRequest A common interface for the install and uninstall request messages.
 IInstallApplicationResponse A common interface for the install and uninstall response messages.