<PackageReference Include="Relativity.Server.Services.Interfaces.SDK" Version="5000.0.2" />


public class AgentConstants
Provides routing information about URLs used by the Agent Manager service.
public const string AGENT_ID_STRING = "agentID"

The unique identifier for an agent used in a request.

public const string BASE_SERVICE_ROUTE = "workspace/{workspaceID:int}/agents"

The base URI path for the service.

public const string MODULE_PREFIX = "Relativity.Agents"

The prefix used for module called during service requests.

public const string SERVICE_MODULE_NAME = "Agent Module"

The name of the module called during service requests.

public const string SERVICE_NAME = "Agent Manager"

The name of the service.

public const string SERVICE_ROUTE = "agents"

The name of a route in the URL used in a request to the service.

public AgentConstants()