<PackageReference Include="Relativity.Server.Services.Interfaces.SDK" Version="5000.0.2" />


Namespace with 30 public types


 AuthProfile Represents an authentication profile within Relativity
 BulkInvitationResponse Response object representing the result of a bulk user invitation call.
 FederatedInstance A remote instance of Relativity that is connected to this local instance
 HomeMenuModel The data model for the Home Menu
 InstanceDestination An instance that the user can navigate to
 LoginProfile A collection of login methods that are configured for a given user
 LoginProfileSetupResponse Object representing the result of validating whether a user's login profile allows them to authenticate with Relativity.
 OAuth2Client An OAuth2 Client that allows access to the environment
 OpenIdConnectMethod Represents a login method that is configured for a user
 OpenIDConnectProvider Represents an OpenId Connect external identity provider.
 SAML2Provider Represents a SAML2P external identity provider.
 UserInviteError Invitation email error for a user and the status code of the error.


 OAuth2Flow Represents an OAuth2 flow.
 ProtocolType The type of Auth Provider, i.e. whether it is a local or external provider.
 TwoFactorMode Sets when two factor authenticaiton will be used.

Static Classes
