<PackageReference Include="Relativity.Server.Services.Interfaces.SDK" Version="5000.0.2" />


Namespace with 42 public types


 AgentServerRequest Represents a request for updating an agent server.
 AgentServerResponse Represents results of a read operation on an agent server.
 AnalyticsServerDefaultValuesResponse Represents a model for default analytics server values.
 AnalyticsServerRequest Represents a request for creating or updating an analytics server.
 AnalyticsServerResponse Represents results of a read operation on an analytics server.
 CacheLocationServerRequest Represents a request for creating or updating a cache location server.
 CacheLocationServerResponse Represents results of a read operation on a cache location server.
 FileRepositoryServerRequest Represents a request for creating or updating a file repository server.
 FileRepositoryServerResponse Represents results of a read operation on a file repository server.
 ResourceServerResponse Represents metadata data of a resource server.
 ServerTypeResponse Represents server type.
 ServicesServerRequest Represents a request for updating a services server.
 ServicesServerResponse Represents results of a read operation on a services server.
 SqlDistributedServerRequest Represents a request for updating a distributed sql server.
 SqlDistributedServerResponse Represents results of a read operation on a distributed sql server.
 SqlPrimaryServerRequest Represents a request for updating a primary sql server.
 SqlPrimaryServerResponse Represents results of a read operation on a primary sql server.
 WebApiFormsAuthServerRequest Represents a request for updating a web api forms authentication server.
 WebApiFormsAuthServerResponse Represents results of a read operation on a web api forms authentication server.
 WebApiServerRequest Represents a request for updating a web api server.
 WebApiServerResponse Represents results of a read operation on a web api server.
 WebApiWindowsAuthServerRequest Represents a request for updating a web api windows authentication server.
 WebApiWindowsAuthServerResponse Represents results of a read operation on a web api windows authentication server.
 WebBackgroundProcessingServerRequest Represents a request for updating a web background processing server.
 WebBackgroundProcessingServerResponse Represents results of a read operation on a web backgroung processing server.
 WebDistributedFormsAuthServerRequest Represents a request for updating a web distributed forms authentication server.
 WebDistributedFormsAuthServerResponse Represents results of a read operation on a web distributed forms authentication server.
 WebDistributedServerRequest Represents a request for updating a web distributed server.
 WebDistributedServerResponse Represents results of a read operation on a web distributed server.
 WebDistributedWindowsAuthServerRequest Represents a request for updating a web distributed windows authentication server.
 WebDistributedWindowsAuthServerResponse Represents results of a read operation on a web distributed windows authentication server.
 WebFormsAuthServerRequest Represents a request for updating a web forms authentication server.
 WebFormsAuthServerResponse Represents results of a read operation on a web forms authentication server.
 WebServerRequest Represents a request for updating a web server.
 WebServerResponse Represents results of a read operation on a web server.
 WebWindowsAuthServerRequest Represents a request for updating a web windows authentication server.
 WebWindowsAuthServerResponse Represents results of a read operation on a web windows authentication server.
 WorkerManagerServerDefaultValuesResponse Represents a model for default worker manager server values.
 WorkerManagerServerRequest Represents a request for creating or updating a worker manager server.
 WorkerManagerServerResponse Represents results of a read operation on a worker manager server.
 WorkerServerRequest Represents a request for updating a worker server.
 WorkerServerResponse Gets or sets the server name of the worker server.