<PackageReference Include="Relativity.Server.Import.SDK" Version="24000.1.1" />


public abstract class LoadFileBase : ImportTapiBase

The exception thrown when a failure occurs attempting to create a new code.

The exception thrown when the load file line includes more columns than defined by the headers.

The exception thrown when a multi-choice value already exists and would result in a duplicate if allowed to be imported.

The exception thrown when an object reference already exists and would result in a duplicate if allowed to be imported.

The exception thrown when the extracted text file length exceeds the max extracted text length. When the encoding is not specified or is UTF8, the max length is 1GB otherwise, the max length is MaxValue.

The exception thrown when the identity value has already been processed.

The exception thrown when extracted text file validation is enabled and the file does not exist.

The exception thrown when the user artifact does not exist within the Relativity instance.

The exception thrown when a parent reference does not exist.

The exception thrown when a parent object reference does not exist.

protected int _artifactTypeID

protected bool _autoDetect

protected int _caseArtifactID

protected int _caseSystemID

protected bool _columnsAreInitialized

protected bool _createFolderStructure

protected string _destinationFolder

protected string _filePathColumn

protected int _filePathColumnIndex

protected int _folderID

protected int _keyFieldID

protected char[] _multiValueSeparator

protected LoadFile _settings

protected long _startLineNumber

protected int _timeZoneOffset

protected bool _uploadFiles

protected virtual IArtifactReader _artifactReader { get; protected set; }

public SqlDataView AllCodes { get; set; }

public SqlDataView AllCodeTypes { get; set; }

protected virtual IBulkImportManager BulkImportManager { get; }

public string FileNameColumn { get; set; }

public string FileSizeColumn { get; set; }

public bool FileSizeMapped { get; set; }

public bool LoadImportedFullTextFromServer { get; set; }

public string OIFileIdColumnName { get; set; }

public bool OIFileIdMapped { get; set; }

public string OIFileTypeColumnName { get; set; }

public int SingleCodesCreated { get; }

public bool SkipExtractedTextEncodingCheck { get; set; }

public string SupportedByViewerColumn { get; set; }

public UserCollection Users { get; }

protected abstract bool UseTimeZoneOffset { get; }

protected LoadFileBase(LoadFile args, IIoReporter reporter, ILog logger, int timezoneoffset, bool doRetryLogic, bool autoDetect, CancellationTokenSource cancellationToken, Func<string> correlationIdFunc, IRunningContext runningContext = null)

protected LoadFileBase(LoadFile args, IIoReporter reporter, ILog logger, int timezoneoffset, bool doRetryLogic, bool autoDetect, CancellationTokenSource cancellationToken, bool initializeArtifactReader, Func<string> correlationIdFunc, IRunningContext runningContext = null)

public void AddToCodeCountPreviewHashTable(int fieldID, string fieldName, string fieldValue)

protected void AdvanceLine()

protected abstract IArtifactReader GetArtifactReader()

public int? GetCode(string value, int column, ArtifactField field, bool forPreview)

protected virtual string GetCorrelationId()

public int GetMaxExtractedTextLength(Encoding encoding)

public virtual int?[] GetMultiCode(string[] value, int column, ArtifactField field, bool forPreview)

public string GetNullableAssociatedObjectName(string value, int column, int fieldLength, string fieldName)

public string GetNullableFixedString(string value, int column, int fieldLength, string displayName)

public virtual Hashtable GetObjects(string[] value, int column, ArtifactField field, int associatedObjectTypeID, bool shouldRetrieveIdFromServer)

public virtual Hashtable GetObjectsByArtifactID(string[] value, int column, ArtifactField field, int associatedObjectTypeID)

protected abstract Base GetSingleCodeValidator()

public int? GetUserArtifactID(string value, int column)

protected void InitializeArtifactReader()

protected virtual void InitializeManagers(LoadFile args)

public virtual int LookupArtifactIDForName(string objectName, int associatedObjectTypeID)

public virtual string LookupNameForArtifactID(int objectArtifactID, int associatedObjectTypeID)

public void SetFieldValue(ArtifactField field, int columnIndex, bool forPreview, string identityValue, ref int extractedTextFileCodePageId, ImportBehaviorChoice? importBehavior)