<PackageReference Include="Relativity.Server.Import.SDK" Version="24000.1.1" />


Namespace with 13 public types


 BooleanImporterException Represents an exception that occured while attempting to import a boolean. This class cannot be inherited.
 CellImporterException Represents an exception that occured while attempting to import a cell. This class cannot be inherited.
 DateImporterException Represents an exception that occured while attempting to import a boolean. This class cannot be inherited.
 DecimalImporterException Represents an exception that occured while attempting to import a decimal value. This class cannot be inherited.
 ImporterException Represents an exception that occured while attempting to import data.
 IntegerImporterException Represents an exception that occured while attempting to import an integer value. This class cannot be inherited.
 ObjectNameImporterException Represents an exception that occured while attempting to import an object name. This class cannot be inherited.
 SqlDataRow Represents a SQL data row. This class cannot be inherited, backwards compatibility isn't guaranteed, and should never be consumed by API users.
 SqlDataView Represents a SQL data view. This class cannot be inherited, backwards compatibility isn't guaranteed, and should never be consumed by API users.
 StringImporterException Represents an exception that occured while attempting to import a string value. This class cannot be inherited.


 DelimitedMode Represents the supported file delimiter modes.
 TrimOption Represents the supported whitespace trip options.

Abstract Classes

 DelimitedFileImporter2 Represents an abstract representation of a file importer that operates over delimited files.