Represents the base-class object for all TAPI-based import and export instances.
Gets the file system instance.
Gets the configurable retry options.
public ImportTapiBase(IIoReporter reporter, ILog logger, CancellationTokenSource cancellationTokenSource, Func<string> correlationIdFunc)
Awaits completion of all pending metadata uploads for the current batch and optimize file transfers by not disposing the transfer job. This should be executed before the mass import API service call.
Awaits completion of all pending metadata uploads for the import job and dispose all transfer related objects. This should be called before the mass import API service call.
Awaits completion of all pending physical file uploads for the current batch and optimize file transfers by not disposing the transfer job.
Awaits completion of all pending physical file uploads for the import job and dispose all transfer related objects.
Copies an existing file to a new file. Overwriting a file of the same name is not allowed.
Copies an existing file to a new file. Overwriting a file of the same name is allowed.
protected void CreateTapiBridges(UploadTapiBridgeParameters2 fileParameters, UploadTapiBridgeParameters2 bulkLoadParameters, IAuthenticationTokenProvider authTokenProvider, IRelativityManagerServiceFactory managerServiceFactory)
Creates a policy object capable of performing resiliency operations.
Retrieves the case-sensitive or case-insensitive file path and optionally retries all thrown IOException.
Determines whether the specified file exists and optionally retries all thrown IOException.
Retrieves the specified file length and optionally retries all thrown IOException.
Logs the statistics object.
protected virtual void OnWriteStatusMessage(EventType2 eventType, string message, int progressLineNumber, int physicalLineNumber)
protected void PublishIoRetryMessage(Exception exception, TimeSpan timeSpan, int retryCount, int totalRetryCount)
Publishes a retry-based warning message and logs the exception.
Publishes a raw warning message and logs the information.
protected virtual void RaiseWarningAndPause(Exception exception, int timeoutSeconds, int retryCount, int totalRetryCount)
public bool WaitForRetry(Func<bool> retryFunction, string startMessage, string successMessage, string warningMessage, int retryCount, int waitBetweenRetriesMilliseconds)