<PackageReference Include="Relativity.Server.Import.SDK" Version="24000.1.1" />


Namespace with 25 public types


 CancellationRequestEventArgs Represents the cancellation request event argument data. This class cannot be inherited.
 ErrorReportEventArgs Represents the error report event argument data. This class cannot be inherited.
 ExportErrorEventArgs Represents export error event argument data. This class cannot be inherited.
 FatalExceptionEventArgs Represents the fatal exception event argument data. This class cannot be inherited.
 FieldMappedEventArgs Represents the field mapped event argument data. This class cannot be inherited.
 NullProcessErrorWriter Represents a design pattern for occasions where a valid is referenced but whose functionality isn't actually used or required. This class cannot be inherited.
 NullProcessEventWriter Represents a design pattern for occasions where a valid is referenced but whose functionality isn't actually used or required. This class cannot be inherited.
 ParentFormClosingEventArgs Represents the parent form closing event argument data. This class cannot be inherited.
 ProcessCompleteEventArgs Represents the process complete event argument data. This class cannot be inherited.
 ProcessContext Represents a thread-safe context for a process to publish events. This class cannot be inherited.
 ProcessEndEventArgs Represents the process end event argument data. This class cannot be inherited.
 ProcessErrorReport Represents the show report event argument data. This class cannot be inherited.
 ProcessEventArgs Represents the process event argument data. This class cannot be inherited.
 ProcessEventDto Represents the process event data transfer object. This class cannot be inherited.
 ProgressEventArgs Represents the progress event argument data. This class cannot be inherited.
 RecordCountEventArgs Represents the record count event argument data. This class cannot be inherited.
 RecordNumberEventArgs Represents the record number event argument data. This class cannot be inherited.
 ShowReportEventArgs Represents the show report event argument data. This class cannot be inherited.
 StatusBarEventArgs Represents the status bar event argument data. This class cannot be inherited.


 EventType2 Represents all supported process related events.
 ProcessEventType Represents all supported process events that are published by a process.

Abstract Classes

 ProcessBase2 Defines an abstract object that performs a runnable process.


 IProcessErrorWriter Represents an abstract object that writes errors to a file.
 IProcessEventWriter Represents an abstract object that writes output events to a file.
 IRunnable Represents an abstract object that performs some runnable process.