<PackageReference Include="Relativity.Server.Import.SDK" Version="24000.1.1" />


Namespace with 27 public types


 ErrorBeforeMassImportArgs Error record before mass import occurs. These tend to be issues with the data source itself.
 ErrorDuringMassImportArgs Error record before mass import occurs. These tend to be issues with the data source itself.
 ErrorMessageWriter`1 Class that is specialized in writing error messages to the error message file.
 FileInfoInvalidPathException Represent the error that occurs when there are illegal characters in the file path.
 FileTypeIdentifyException The exception thrown when a serious file type identification error occurs. This class cannot be inherited.
 IoReporter Represents a class object to perform I/O operations, publish warning messages, and retry the operation.
 IoReporterContext Represents a thread-safe context for to publish events. This class cannot be inherited.
 IoWarningEventArgs Class for IO warning event arguments. This class cannot be inherited.


 FileTypeIdentifyError Represents the errors that can occur when attempting to identify a file type.
 IoWarningType Represents the different I/O warning types.
 RetryOptions Defines a set of configurable flags to control retry behavior.

Static Classes

 FileSystem Defines a singleton file system instance. This should be constructor injected where file system API usage is required.
 FileTypeIdentifierService Provides a way to access the FileTypeIdentifier.
 TempFileBuilder Provides static methods to build temporary files that are easier to debug and sort than and employ unique file names to avoid collisions.
 TempFileConstants Provides suffix constants.


 IDirectory Represents an abstract wrapper for the class.
 IDirectoryInfo Represents an abstract wrapper for the class.
 IErrorArguments This object can retrieve arguments for an error.
 IFile Represents an abstract wrapper for the class.
 IFileInfo Represents an abstract wrapper for the class.
 IFileSystem Represents an abstract wrapper for the wrapper to access and create file system related objects.
 IFileTypeConfiguration Represents an abstract object to configure .
 IFileTypeIdentifier Represents an abstract object to identify file types.
 IFileTypeInfo Represents an abstract object that describes file type information.
 IIoReporter Represents an abstract object to perform I/O operations, publish warning messages, and retry the operation.
 IPath Represents an abstract wrapper for the class.
 IStreamWriter Represents an abstract wrapper for the class.