<PackageReference Include="Relativity.Server.Services.Interfaces.SDK" Version="5000.0.2" />


Search Container Manager.
Task<int> CreateSingleAsync(int workspaceArtifactID, SearchContainer searchContainer)

Asynchronously creates an instance of Search Container.

Task DeleteSingleAsync(int workspaceArtifactID, int searchContainerArtifactID)

Asynchronously delets a Search Container and its children.

Asynchronously gets the fields of Advanced Search browser View, if user has read permissions for view.

Task<List<UserRef>> GetAdvancedSearchViewUniqueCreatedByAsync(int workspaceArtifactID)

Asynchronously gets the users that have created at least one of saved searches in workspace.

Task<List<UserRef>> GetAdvancedSearchViewUniqueModifiedByAsync(int workspaceArtifactID)

Asynchronously gets the users that have modified at least one of saved searches in workspace.

Task<List<UserRef>> GetAdvancedSearchViewUniqueOwnersAsync(int workspaceArtifactID)

Asynchronously gets the users that are owners of at least one of saved searches in workspace.

Task<SearchContainerItemCollection> GetChildSearchContainersAsync(int workspaceArtifactID, SearchContainerRef searchContainer)

Asynchronously gets child Search Containers without search items.

Task<SearchContainerItemCollection> GetFilteredSearchContainerTreeAsync(int workspaceArtifactId, string searchCondition)

Asynchronously gets the tree of search containers and saved searches matching the search condition specified as a query string.

Task<SearchContainerItemCollection> GetFilteredWithAdvancedOptionsSearchContainerTreeAsync(int workspaceArtifactID, SearchContainerTreeFilter filter)

Asynchronously gets the tree of search containers and saved searches matching the search condition specified as a SearchContainerTreeFilter object.

Task<SearchContainerItemCollection> GetSearchContainerItemsAsync(int workspaceArtifactID, SearchContainerRef searchContainer)

Asynchronously get items stored within a Search Container.

Task<SearchContainerItemCollection> GetSearchContainerTreeAsync(int workspaceArtifactID, List<int> expandedNodes)

Asynchronously gets tree of Search Containers and Saved Searches with specified nodes expanded.

Task<SearchContainerItemCollection> GetSearchContainerTreeAsync(int workspaceArtifactID, List<int> expandedNodes, int? selectedNode)

Asynchronously gets tree of Search Containers and Saved Searches with specified nodes expanded, auto-expanding full path to the selected node.

Task<SearchContainerMoveResultSet> MoveAsync(int workspaceArtifactID, int artifactID, int destinationContainerID)

Moves an existing saved search folder (search container) and its children, including subfolders and saved searches. Specify the workspace, source folder, and destination folder by Artifact ID.

Task<SearchContainerMoveResultSet> MoveAsync(int workspaceArtifactID, int artifactID, int destinationContainerID, CancellationToken cancel)

Moves an existing saved search folder (search container) and its children, including subfolders and saved searches. Specify the workspace, source folder, and destination folder by Artifact ID. Specify the CancellationToken object to enable cancellation.

Task<SearchContainerMoveResultSet> MoveAsync(int workspaceArtifactID, int artifactID, int destinationContainerID, IProgress<MoveProcessStateProgress> progress)

Moves an existing saved search folder (search container) and its children, including subfolders and saved searches. Specify the workspace, source folder, and destination folder by Artifact ID. Specify the MoveProgressState object to display the progress of the operation.

Task<SearchContainerMoveResultSet> MoveAsync(int workspaceArtifactID, int artifactID, int destinationContainerID, CancellationToken cancel, IProgress<MoveProcessStateProgress> progress)

Moves an existing saved search folder (search container) and its children, including subfolders and saved searches. Specify the workspace, source folder, and destination folder by Artifact ID. Specify the MoveProgressState and CancellationToken objects to display progress and enable cancellation.

Task<SearchContainerQueryResultSet> QueryAsync(int workspaceArtifactID, Query query, int length)

Asynchronously queries for Search Containers.

Task<SearchContainerQueryResultSet> QueryAsync(int workspaceArtifactID, Query query)

Asynchronously queries for Search Containers.

Task<SearchContainerQueryResultSet> QuerySubsetAsync(int workspaceArtifactID, string queryToken, int start, int length)

Asynchronously queries for a subset of a collection of Search Container instances.

Task<SearchContainer> ReadSingleAsync(int workspaceArtifactID, int searchContainerArtifactID)

Asynchronously read a single Search Container instance.

Task UpdateSingleAsync(int workspaceArtifactID, SearchContainer searchContainer)

Asynchronously updates a Search Container.