<PackageReference Include="Relativity.Server.Services.Interfaces.SDK" Version="5000.0.2" />


public interface IPivotManager : IDisposable
IPivotManager interface enables interaction with Relativity Pivot.
Task<PivotProfileRef> CreateProfileAsync(int workspaceId, PivotProfileRef profile)

Asynchronously Create a pivot profile.

Task<PivotResultSet> ExecuteAsync(int workspaceId, PivotSettings settings)

Asynchronously executes a Pivot query.

Task<PivotResultSet> ExecuteAsync(int workspaceId, PivotSettings settings, CancellationToken cancel)

Asynchronously executes a Pivot query and implements cancellation support for the query.

Task<PivotResultSet> ExecuteAsync(int workspaceId, PivotSettings settings, IProgress<string> progress)

Asynchronously executes a Pivot query and implements a progress indicator for the query.

Task<PivotResultSet> ExecuteAsync(int workspaceId, PivotSettings settings, CancellationToken cancel, IProgress<string> progress)

Asynchronously executes a Pivot query and implements cancellation support and a progress indicator for the query.

Task<PivotExportResult> ExecuteExportAsync(int workspaceId, Dashboard dashboard, Query objectSetQuery)

Asynchronously exports into the Excel file a Dashboard Pivot queries.

Task<PivotExportResult> ExecuteExportAsync(int workspaceId, Dashboard dashboard, Query objectSetQuery, CancellationToken cancel)

Asynchronously exports into the Excel file a Dashboard Pivot queries and implements cancellation support for the export.

Task<PivotExportResult> ExecuteExportAsync(int workspaceId, Dashboard dashboard, Query objectSetQuery, IProgress<string> progress)

Asynchronously exports into the Excel file a Dashboard Pivot queries and implements a progress indicator for the query.

Task<PivotExportResult> ExecuteExportAsync(int workspaceId, Dashboard dashboard, Query objectSetQuery, CancellationToken cancel, IProgress<string> progress)

Asynchronously exports into the Excel file a Dashboard Pivot queries and implements cancellation support and a progress indicator for the query.

Task<PivotResultSet> ExecutePivotProfileAsync(int workspaceId, int pivotProfileId, Query objectSetQuery)

Asynchronously executes a Pivot query based on the settings of a specified Pivot profile.

Task<PivotResultSet> ExecutePivotProfileAsync(int workspaceId, int pivotProfileId, Query objectSetQuery, CancellationToken cancel)

Asynchronously executes a Pivot query based on the settings of a specified Pivot profile and implements cancellation support for the query.

Task<PivotResultSet> ExecutePivotProfileAsync(int workspaceId, int pivotProfileId, Query objectSetQuery, IProgress<string> progress)

Asynchronously executes a Pivot query based on the settings of a specified Pivot profile and implements a progress indicator for the query.

Task<PivotResultSet> ExecutePivotProfileAsync(int workspaceId, int pivotProfileId, Query objectSetQuery, CancellationToken cancel, IProgress<string> progress)

Asynchronously executes a Pivot query based on the settings of a specified Pivot profile and implements cancellation support and a progress indicator for the query.

Task<List<FieldRef>> GetFieldsForGroupByAsync(int workspaceId, int artifactTypeId)

Asynchronously returns all fields that can be used to group data (Field.AllowGroupBy property) in a Pivot query.

Task<List<FieldRef>> GetFieldsForPivotOnAsync(int workspaceId, int artifactTypeId)

Asynchronously returns all fields that can be used to pivot data (Field.AllowPivotOn property) in a Pivot query.

Task<PivotProfileRef> UpdateProfileAsync(int workspaceId, PivotProfileRef profile)

Asynchronously update a pivot profile.