<PackageReference Include="Relativity.Server.Services.Interfaces.SDK" Version="5000.0.2" />


public class View
Data required by Fluid List View to display the currently active view
public int AllConditionCount { get; set; }

All view conditions count

public int ArtifactId { get; set; }

ArtifactID of the ItemListView

public int? DashboardArtifactId { get; set; }

Artifact ID, if any, of the Dashboard associated with the view.

public int[] FieldsIds { get; set; }

Ordered array of field ids

public string GroupDefinitionFieldName { get; set; }

The name of the GroupDefinitionField associated with the view.

public bool HasConditions { get; set; }

Whether the View has any criteria

public string Name { get; set; }

Name of the ItemListView

public string QueryHint { get; set; }

The query hint.

public bool RenderLinks { get; set; }

Whether links should be rendered or not

public int SavedSearchConditionCount { get; set; }

SavedSearch condition count(condition with operator 'in')

public string[] Sorts { get; set; }

List of sort conditions

public View()