Exposes methods for creating, reading, updating, importing, and deleting scripts, as well as various helper methods.
Deletes all data for the specified script run job.
Adds a script to relativity.
Deletes a script.
Task<EnqueueRunJobResponse> EnqueueRunJobAsync(int workspaceID, int scriptID, List<ScriptInput> inputs, double timeZoneOffset)
Enqueues a script run job.
Task<IKeplerStream> ExportActionResultsAsync(int workspaceID, Guid runJobID, int actionIndex, ExportActionResultsRequest actionExportRequest)
Returns the stream of a completed script action export job.
Task<IKeplerStream> ExportActionResultsAsync(int workspaceID, Guid runJobID, int actionIndex, ExportActionResultsRequest actionExportRequest, IProgress<ProgressReport> progress)
Returns the stream of a completed script action export job.
Task<IKeplerStream> ExportActionResultsAsync(int workspaceID, Guid runJobID, int actionIndex, ExportActionResultsRequest actionExportRequest, CancellationToken cancel, IProgress<ProgressReport> progress)
Returns the stream of a completed script action export job.
Task<IKeplerStream> ExportScriptReportAsync(int workspaceID, Guid runJobID, ExportScriptReportRequest scriptExportRequest)
Returns the stream of a completed script report export job.
Task<IKeplerStream> ExportScriptReportAsync(int workspaceID, Guid runJobID, ExportScriptReportRequest scriptExportRequest, IProgress<ProgressReport> progress)
Returns the stream of a completed script report export job.
Task<IKeplerStream> ExportScriptReportAsync(int workspaceID, Guid runJobID, ExportScriptReportRequest scriptExportRequest, CancellationToken cancel, IProgress<ProgressReport> progress)
Returns the stream of a completed script report export job.
Gets a detailed list of parameters for a given script.
Imports a script from the library to the workspace.
Gives a preview of what the exact SQL the script will run given a set of parameters.
Task<string> PreviewScriptAsync(int workspaceID, int scriptID, List<ScriptInput> inputs, double timeZoneOffset)
Gives a preview of what the exact SQL the script will run given a set of parameters.
Task<string> PreviewScriptAsync(int workspaceID, int scriptID, List<ScriptInput> inputs, TimeSpan timeZoneSpan)
Gives a preview of what the exact SQL the script will run given a set of parameters.
Task<ActionResultsQueryResponse> QueryActionJobResultsAsync(int workspaceID, Guid runJobID, int actionIndex, ActionQueryRequest actionQueryRequest, int start, int length)
Queries the results of a completed action job.
Retrieves basic metadata for a script, including its name, body and other properties.
Task<ScriptResponse> ReadAsync(int workspaceID, int scriptID, bool includeMetadata, bool includeActions)
Retrieves basic metadata for a script, including its name, body and other properties.
Retrieves a script run job.
Modifies the properties of a script.
Task UpdateAsync(int workspaceID, int scriptID, ScriptRequest scriptRequest, DateTime lastModifiedOn)
Restricts updates to the properties of the script to the date that it was last modified