<PackageReference Include="Relativity.Server.Services.Interfaces.SDK" Version="5000.0.2" />


public interface IScriptManager : IDisposable
Exposes methods for creating, reading, updating, importing, and deleting scripts, as well as various helper methods.
Task CleanupRunJobAsync(int workspaceID, Guid runJobID)

Deletes all data for the specified script run job.

Task<int> CreateAsync(int workspaceID, ScriptRequest scriptRequest)

Adds a script to relativity.

Task DeleteAsync(int workspaceID, int scriptID)

Deletes a script.

Task<EnqueueRunJobResponse> EnqueueRunJobAsync(int workspaceID, int scriptID, List<ScriptInput> inputs, double timeZoneOffset)

Enqueues a script run job.

Task<IKeplerStream> ExportActionResultsAsync(int workspaceID, Guid runJobID, int actionIndex, ExportActionResultsRequest actionExportRequest)

Returns the stream of a completed script action export job.

Task<IKeplerStream> ExportActionResultsAsync(int workspaceID, Guid runJobID, int actionIndex, ExportActionResultsRequest actionExportRequest, IProgress<ProgressReport> progress)

Returns the stream of a completed script action export job.

Task<IKeplerStream> ExportActionResultsAsync(int workspaceID, Guid runJobID, int actionIndex, ExportActionResultsRequest actionExportRequest, CancellationToken cancel, IProgress<ProgressReport> progress)

Returns the stream of a completed script action export job.

Task<IKeplerStream> ExportScriptReportAsync(int workspaceID, Guid runJobID, ExportScriptReportRequest scriptExportRequest)

Returns the stream of a completed script report export job.

Task<IKeplerStream> ExportScriptReportAsync(int workspaceID, Guid runJobID, ExportScriptReportRequest scriptExportRequest, IProgress<ProgressReport> progress)

Returns the stream of a completed script report export job.

Task<IKeplerStream> ExportScriptReportAsync(int workspaceID, Guid runJobID, ExportScriptReportRequest scriptExportRequest, CancellationToken cancel, IProgress<ProgressReport> progress)

Returns the stream of a completed script report export job.

Task<List<ScriptParameterDetails>> GetScriptParametersAsync(int workspaceID, int scriptID)

Gets a detailed list of parameters for a given script.

Task<int> ImportAsync(int workspaceID, ScriptImportRequest scriptImportRequest)

Imports a script from the library to the workspace.

Task<string> PreviewScriptAsync(int workspaceID, int scriptID, List<ScriptInput> inputs)

Gives a preview of what the exact SQL the script will run given a set of parameters.

Task<string> PreviewScriptAsync(int workspaceID, int scriptID, List<ScriptInput> inputs, double timeZoneOffset)

Gives a preview of what the exact SQL the script will run given a set of parameters.

Task<string> PreviewScriptAsync(int workspaceID, int scriptID, List<ScriptInput> inputs, TimeSpan timeZoneSpan)

Gives a preview of what the exact SQL the script will run given a set of parameters.

Task<ActionResultsQueryResponse> QueryActionJobResultsAsync(int workspaceID, Guid runJobID, int actionIndex, ActionQueryRequest actionQueryRequest, int start, int length)

Queries the results of a completed action job.

Task<ScriptResponse> ReadAsync(int workspaceID, int scriptID)

Retrieves basic metadata for a script, including its name, body and other properties.

Task<ScriptResponse> ReadAsync(int workspaceID, int scriptID, bool includeMetadata, bool includeActions)

Retrieves basic metadata for a script, including its name, body and other properties.

Task<RunJob> ReadRunJobAsync(int workspaceID, Guid runJobID)

Retrieves a script run job.

Task UpdateAsync(int workspaceID, int scriptID, ScriptRequest scriptRequest)

Modifies the properties of a script.

Task UpdateAsync(int workspaceID, int scriptID, ScriptRequest scriptRequest, DateTime lastModifiedOn)

Restricts updates to the properties of the script to the date that it was last modified