<PackageReference Include="Relativity.Server.Services.Interfaces.SDK" Version="5000.0.2" />


public interface IObjectTypeManager : IDisposable
Exposes methods for creating, reading, updating, and deleting object types, as well as various helper methods.
Task<int> CreateAsync(int workspaceID, ObjectTypeRequest objectTypeRequest)

Adds a single object type to Relativity.

Task DeleteAsync(int workspaceID, int objectTypeID)

Deletes an object type.

Gets a list of all object types available to be a parent object type for a given workspace.

Task<List<Dependency>> GetDependencyList(int workspaceID, int objectTypeID)

Gets a list of all dependencies for an existing object type.

Task<ObjectTypeResponse> ReadAsync(int workspaceID, int objectTypeID)

Retrieves basic metadata for an object type, including its name, parent object type, and other properties.

Task<ObjectTypeResponse> ReadAsync(int workspaceID, int objectTypeID, bool includeMetadata, bool includeActions)

Retrieves extended metadata for an object type, including information about additional actions available.

Task UpdateAsync(int workspaceID, int objectTypeID, ObjectTypeRequest objectTypeRequest)

Modifies the properties of an object type.

Task UpdateAsync(int workspaceID, int objectTypeID, ObjectTypeRequest objectTypeRequest, DateTime lastModifiedOn)

Restricts updates to the properties of the object type to the date that it was last modified