<PackageReference Include="Relativity.Server.Services.Interfaces.SDK" Version="5000.0.2" />


public interface IMassOperationManager : IDisposable
Exposes the methods for working with Mass Operations.
Task<int> CreateAsync(int workspaceID, CustomPageMassOperationRequest massOperationRequest)

Creates a custom page mass operation.

Task<int> CreateAsync(int workspaceID, EventHandlerMassOperationRequest massOperationRequest)

Creates an event handler mass operation.

Task DeleteAsync(int workspaceID, int massOperationID)

Deletes a mass operation.

Reads all available event handlers.

Reads all layouts for a given object type.

Reads all object types available for mass operations.

Task<MassOperationResponse> ReadMassOperationAsync(int workspaceID, int massOperationID)

Reads a mass operation.

Task<MassOperationResponse> ReadMassOperationAsync(int workspaceID, int massOperationID, bool includeMetadata, bool includeActions)

Reads a mass operation.

Task UpdateAsync(int workspaceID, int massOperationID, CustomPageMassOperationRequest massOperationRequest)

Updates a custom page mass operation.

Task UpdateAsync(int workspaceID, int massOperationID, CustomPageMassOperationRequest massOperationRequest, DateTime lastModifiedOn)

Updates a custom page mass operation. The request will only succeed if the supplied LastModifiedOn date matches the LastModifiedOn date for the mass operation within the system.

Task UpdateAsync(int workspaceID, int massOperationID, EventHandlerMassOperationRequest massOperationRequest)

Updates an event handler mass operation.

Task UpdateAsync(int workspaceID, int massOperationID, EventHandlerMassOperationRequest massOperationRequest, DateTime lastModifiedOn)

Updates an event handler mass operation. The request will only succeed if the supplied LastModifiedOn date matches the LastModifiedOn date for the mass operation within the system.