<PackageReference Include="Relativity.Server.Services.Interfaces.SDK" Version="5000.0.2" />


public interface IGroupManager : IDisposable

Adds a list of users to a given group.

Adds a list of users to a given group and returns progress information.

Adds a list of users to a given group, provides a token used for canceling the operation, and returns progress information.

Adds a user to a given group.

Adds a user group to Relativity.

Task DeleteAsync(int groupID)

Deletes a user group.

Task DeleteAsync(int groupID, IProgress<ProgressReport> progress)

Deletes a user group and returns progress information.

Task DeleteAsync(int groupID, CancellationToken cancel, IProgress<ProgressReport> progress)

Deletes a user group, provides a token used for canceling the operation, and returns progress information.

Retrieves a list of actions that are allowed for the mass operations.

Task<QueryResultSlim> QueryEligibleClients(QueryRequest request, int start, int length)

Query for Clients that are valid for the client property on group

Task<QueryResultSlim> QueryEligibleClients(QueryRequest request, int start, int length, IProgress<ProgressReport> progress)

Query for Clients that are valid for the client property on group

Query for Clients that are valid for the client property on group

Query for Groups that are eligible for adding at least one of specified users.

Query for Groups that are eligible for adding at least one of specified users.

Query for Groups that are eligible for adding at least one of specified users.

Task<QueryResultSlim> QueryEligibleUsersToAdd(QueryRequest request, int start, int length, int groupID)

Query for Users that are eligible to be members of a group.

Task<QueryResultSlim> QueryEligibleUsersToAdd(QueryRequest request, int start, int length, int groupID, IProgress<ProgressReport> progress)

Query for Users that are eligible to be members of a group.

Task<QueryResultSlim> QueryEligibleUsersToAdd(QueryRequest request, int start, int length, int groupID, CancellationToken cancel, IProgress<ProgressReport> progress)

Query for Users that are eligible to be members of a group.

Task<QueryResultSlim> QueryGroupsByUserAsync(QueryRequest request, int start, int length, int userID)

Task<QueryResultSlim> QueryGroupsByUserAsync(QueryRequest request, int start, int length, int userID, IProgress<ProgressReport> progress)

Task<QueryResultSlim> QueryGroupsByUserAsync(QueryRequest request, int start, int length, int userID, CancellationToken cancel, IProgress<ProgressReport> progress)

Task<QueryResultSlim> QueryMembersAsync(QueryRequest request, int start, int length, int groupID)

Retrieves the list of users in a given group.

Task<QueryResultSlim> QueryMembersAsync(QueryRequest request, int start, int length, int groupID, IProgress<ProgressReport> progress)

Retrieves the list of users in a given group.

Task<QueryResultSlim> QueryMembersAsync(QueryRequest request, int start, int length, int groupID, CancellationToken cancel, IProgress<ProgressReport> progress)

Retrieves the list of users in a given group.

Retrieves metadata for a user group, including its name, associated client, and other properties.

Task<GroupResponse> ReadAsync(int groupID, bool includeMetadata, bool includeActions)

Retrieves advanced metadata for a user group, including its name, associated client, and other properties.

Removes a list of users from a given group.

Removes a list of users from a given group and returns progress information.

Removes a list of users from a given group, provides a token used for canceling the operation, and returns progress information.

Removes a list of users from a given group.

Task<GroupResponse> UpdateAsync(int groupID, GroupRequest groupRequest)

Modifies the properties of a user group.

Task<GroupResponse> UpdateAsync(int groupID, GroupRequest groupRequest, IProgress<ProgressReport> progress)

Modifies the properties of a user group and returns progress information.

Task<GroupResponse> UpdateAsync(int groupID, GroupRequest groupRequest, CancellationToken cancel, IProgress<ProgressReport> progress)

Modifies the properties of a user group, provides a token used for canceling the operation, and returns progress information.

Task<GroupResponse> UpdateAsync(int groupID, GroupRequest groupRequest, DateTime lastModifiedOn)

Modifies the properties of a user group.

Task<GroupResponse> UpdateAsync(int groupID, GroupRequest groupRequest, DateTime lastModifiedOn, IProgress<ProgressReport> progress)

Modifies the properties of a user group and returns progress information.

Task<GroupResponse> UpdateAsync(int groupID, GroupRequest groupRequest, DateTime lastModifiedOn, CancellationToken cancel, IProgress<ProgressReport> progress)

Modifies the properties of a user group, provides a token used for canceling the operation, and returns progress information.