Adds a Currency field to Relativity.
Adds a Date field to Relativity.
Adds a Decimal field to Relativity.
Adds a File field to Relativity.
Adds a Fixed Length field to Relativity.
Adds a Long Text field to Relativity.
Adds a Multiple Choice field to Relativity.
Adds a Multiple Object field to Relativity.
Adds a Single Choice field to Relativity.
Adds a Single Object field to Relativity.
Adds a User field to Relativity.
Adds a Whole Number field to Relativity.
Adds a Yes/No field to Relativity.
Deletes a field.
Gets a list of keyboard shortcuts currently available.
Task<List<ObjectTypeIdentifier>> GetAvailableMultiAssociativeObjectTypesAsync(int workspaceID, ObjectTypeIdentifier objectType)
Gets a list of object types available for multi association.
Gets a list of parent object types for field creation.
Task<List<Securable<DisplayableObjectIdentifier>>> GetAvailableObjectTypeViewsAsync(int workspaceID, ObjectTypeIdentifier objectType)
Gets a list of object types available for an object type view.
Gets a list of fields available for propagation.
Task<List<ObjectTypeIdentifier>> GetAvailableSingleAssociativeObjectTypesAsync(int workspaceID, ObjectTypeIdentifier objectType)
Gets a list of object types available for single association.
Gets the Order of Relational Fields currently available.
Gets a list of possible keys for keyboard shortcuts.
Retrieves basic metadata for a field, including its name, associated object type, behavior, and other properties.
Task<FieldResponse> ReadAsync(int workspaceID, int fieldID, bool includeMetadata, bool includeActions)
Retrieves extended metadata for a field, including information about additional actions available.
Modifies the properties of a Currency field.
Task UpdateCurrencyFieldAsync(int workspaceID, int fieldID, CurrencyFieldRequest fieldRequest, DateTime lastModifiedOn)
Restricts updates to the properties of the Currency field to the date that it was last modified.
Modifies the properties of a Date field.
Task UpdateDateFieldAsync(int workspaceID, int fieldID, DateFieldRequest fieldRequest, DateTime lastModifiedOn)
Restricts updates to the properties of the Date field to the date that it was last modified.
Modifies the properties of a Decimal field.
Task UpdateDecimalFieldAsync(int workspaceID, int fieldID, DecimalFieldRequest fieldRequest, DateTime lastModifiedOn)
Restricts updates to the properties of the Decimal field to the date that it was last modified.
Modifies the properties of a File field.
Task UpdateFileFieldAsync(int workspaceID, int fieldID, FileFieldRequest fieldRequest, DateTime lastModifiedOn)
Restricts updates to the properties of the File field to the date that it was last modified.
Task UpdateFixedLengthFieldAsync(int workspaceID, int fieldID, FixedLengthFieldRequest fieldRequest)
Modifies the properties of a Fixed Length field.
Task UpdateFixedLengthFieldAsync(int workspaceID, int fieldID, FixedLengthFieldRequest fieldRequest, DateTime lastModifiedOn)
Restricts updates to the properties of the Fixed Length field to the date that it was last modified.
Modifies the properties of a Long Text field.
Task UpdateLongTextFieldAsync(int workspaceID, int fieldID, LongTextFieldRequest fieldRequest, DateTime lastModifiedOn)
Restricts updates to the properties of the Long Text field to the date that it was last modified.
Task UpdateMultipleChoiceFieldAsync(int workspaceID, int fieldID, MultipleChoiceFieldRequest fieldRequest)
Modifies the properties of a Multiple Choice field.
Task UpdateMultipleChoiceFieldAsync(int workspaceID, int fieldID, MultipleChoiceFieldRequest fieldRequest, DateTime lastModifiedOn)
Restricts updates to the properties of the Multiple Choice field to the date that it was last modified.
Task UpdateMultipleObjectFieldAsync(int workspaceID, int fieldID, MultipleObjectFieldRequest fieldRequest)
Modifies the properties of a Multiple Object field.
Task UpdateMultipleObjectFieldAsync(int workspaceID, int fieldID, MultipleObjectFieldRequest fieldRequest, DateTime lastModifiedOn)
Restricts updates to the properties of the Multiple Object field to the date that it was last modified.
Task UpdateSingleChoiceFieldAsync(int workspaceID, int fieldID, SingleChoiceFieldRequest fieldRequest)
Modifies the properties of a Single Choice field.
Task UpdateSingleChoiceFieldAsync(int workspaceID, int fieldID, SingleChoiceFieldRequest fieldRequest, DateTime lastModifiedOn)
Restricts updates to the properties of the Single Choice field to the date that it was last modified.
Task UpdateSingleObjectFieldAsync(int workspaceID, int fieldID, SingleObjectFieldRequest fieldRequest)
Modifies the properties of a Single Object field.
Task UpdateSingleObjectFieldAsync(int workspaceID, int fieldID, SingleObjectFieldRequest fieldRequest, DateTime lastModifiedOn)
Restricts updates to the properties of the Single Object field to the date that it was last modified.
Modifies the properties of a User field.
Task UpdateUserFieldAsync(int workspaceID, int fieldID, UserFieldRequest fieldRequest, DateTime lastModifiedOn)
Restricts updates to the properties of the User field to the date that it was last modified.
Task UpdateWholeNumberFieldAsync(int workspaceID, int fieldID, WholeNumberFieldRequest fieldRequest)
Modifies the properties of a Whole Number field.
Task UpdateWholeNumberFieldAsync(int workspaceID, int fieldID, WholeNumberFieldRequest fieldRequest, DateTime lastModifiedOn)
Restricts updates to the properties of the Whole Number field to the date that it was last modified.
Modifies the properties of a Yes/No field.
Task UpdateYesNoFieldAsync(int workspaceID, int fieldID, YesNoFieldRequest fieldRequest, DateTime lastModifiedOn)
Restricts updates to the properties of the Yes/No field to the date that it was last modified.