<PackageReference Include="Relativity.Server.Services.Interfaces.SDK" Version="5000.0.2" />


public interface IFieldMapping : IDisposable
Exposes methods used to store and retrieve data for field mapping, including fields available for mapping and fields already mapped.

Clears all cached data for Invariant, Relativity, and the field catalog. Used for testing purposes, and for clearing corrupted data.

Task<ExternalMapping[]> GetAllMappedFieldsAsync(int workspaceArtifactId, Guid[] fieldsToAppend, int dataSourceId)

Returns a list of mapped Relativity fields.

Task<Guid[]> GetAutomappedFieldGuidsAsync(int workspaceArtifactId)

Returns an array of Guids corresponding to the Relativity fields that are automatically mapped by Invariant.

Task<MappableSourceField[]> GetInvariantFieldsAsync(int workspaceArtifactId, bool catalogFieldsOnly = false)

Retrieves an array of fields from Invariant that are available for field mapping.

Retrieves an array of fields from Invariant that are available for field mapping and then paginated for performance.

Task<bool> IsFieldMappingAvailableAsync(int workspaceArtifactId)

Returns a boolean flag indicating whether or not Field Mapping functionality is available.

Task<ExternalMapping> ReadExternalMappingAsync(int workspaceArtifactId, int fieldArtifactId, string fieldSource)

Retrieves an External Field Mapping for the given field artifact Id, if one exists.

Task UpdateExternalMappingAsync(int workspaceArtifactId, ExternalMapping model)

Modifies or inserts a single field mapping record.

Inserts a single field mapping record without validation.