<PackageReference Include="Relativity.Server.Import.SDK" Version="24000.1.1" />


public ulong AvailablePhysicalMemory { get; set; }

Gets total amount of free physical memory on the machine.

public string CallingAssembly { get; set; }

Gets name of the assembly that uses import or export.

public int CpuCount { get; set; }

Gets number of processors.

public bool Is64BitOperatingSystem { get; set; }

Gets a value indicating whether operating system is 64-bit operating system.

public bool Is64BitProcess { get; set; }

Gets a value indicating whether the current process is 64-bit process.

public string OperatingSystemName { get; set; }

Gets name of operating system.

public string OperatingSystemVersion { get; set; }

Gets version of operating system.

public ulong TotalPhysicalMemory { get; set; }

Gets total amount of physical memory on the machine.