<PackageReference Include="Relativity.Server.Utility.SDK" Version="5000.0.0" />


public class Helper
Provides static helper functions for inverting DataTables.

A hierarchical data sorter for sorting a provided table according to a parameterized hierarchy.

public const string CODEARTIFACT_PARTITION_TABLE_PREFIX = "ZCodeArtifact_"

The table prefix of code partition tables.

public const string OFF_TABLE_TEXT_PARTITION_TABLE_PREFIX = "ZText_"

The table prefix of text partition tables.

public const string OIANNOTATION_PREFIX = "OIAnnotationCodeArtifact_"

The table prefix of OutsideIn annotation tables.

public Helper()

public static DataTable InvertTable(DataTable toInvert, int pivotColumnIndex, string newColumnName)

Inverts the provided data table using the specified column index.

Logical steps: - Extracts the specified column index, making each row it's own column, with a specified new column name added to the end. - For each column that is not the pivot column, extract the contents of the column as an ArrayList, with the column name appended to the end. - Insert this ArrayList as a row in the new table.

public static DataTable InvertTable(DataTable toInvert, string pivotColumnName, string newColumnName)

Inverts the provided data table using the specified column name.

Logical steps: - Extracts the specified column index, making each row it's own column, with a specified new column name added to the end. - For each column that is not the pivot column, extract the contents of the column as an ArrayList, with the column name appended to the end. - Insert this ArrayList as a row in the new table.