Provides static helper functions for inverting DataTables.
A hierarchical data sorter for sorting a provided table according to a parameterized hierarchy.
The table prefix of code partition tables.
The table prefix of text partition tables.
The table prefix of OutsideIn annotation tables.
public Helper()
Inverts the provided data table using the specified column index.
Logical steps: - Extracts the specified column index, making each row it's own column, with a specified new column name added to the end. - For each column that is not the pivot column, extract the contents of the column as an ArrayList, with the column name appended to the end. - Insert this ArrayList as a row in the new table.
public static DataTable InvertTable(DataTable toInvert, string pivotColumnName, string newColumnName)
Inverts the provided data table using the specified column name.
Logical steps: - Extracts the specified column index, making each row it's own column, with a specified new column name added to the end. - For each column that is not the pivot column, extract the contents of the column as an ArrayList, with the column name appended to the end. - Insert this ArrayList as a row in the new table.