Base representation of a sql data view.
Gets the count of records.
Gets or sets the GroupBy expanded fields.
Gets or sets the GroupBy field.
Indicates whether or not this DataViewBase is valid.
Gets or sets the item at the specified index.
Gets or sets the load buffer.
Gets or sets the row filter Condition.
Gets or sets the sampling table.
Gets or sets the sort order.
Indicates whether or not this DataViewBase supports filtering.
Indicates whether or not this DataViewBase supports GroupBy.
Indicates whether or not this DataViewBase supports sorting.
Indicates whether or not this DataViewBase supports unique values.
Indicates whether or not this DataViewBase trims long text.
Gets or sets the underlying GroupBy data source.
Gets or sets the count of unique values for the provided property key and value.
Indicates whether or not this DataViewBase uses sql dates.
protected DataViewBase()
Clears the rows of this DataViewBase.
Clears any currently tracked unique values.
Gets the downgrade filter.
Gets the specified column as an array of integers.
Gets the index of the record containing a specified field value in this DataView.
Gets the choice values of this DataViewBase.
Gets an enumerator over this DataView.
Gets or sets the data type of the specified field name.
Gets the unique values for the specified property name.
Gets the unique values for the specified property name and multi-text delimiter.
Gets the index of the record that contains the the specified value in the specified field.
Indicates whether or not this DataViewBase exceeds the maximum number of unique values. Base implementation returns null.