<PackageReference Include="Relativity.Server.Utility.SDK" Version="5000.0.0" />


public abstract class SQLBulkCopyJob : IDataReader
Base implementation for bulk copying data into sql using a data reader.
public virtual int BatchSize { get; }

Gets the batch size to be used.

public int CurrentItemIndex { get; }

Gets the current index into the records being processed.

public virtual int Depth { get; }

public abstract string DestinationTableName { get; }

Gets the destination table name of this SQLBulkCopyJob.

public int FieldCount { get; }

Gets the number of columns in the current record.

public virtual bool IsClosed { get; }

public virtual object this[int i] { get; }

public virtual object this[string name] { get; }

public abstract int ItemCount { get; }

Gets the number of records in this SQLBulkCopyJob.

public virtual int RecordsAffected { get; }

protected SQLBulkCopyJob()

Initializes a new instance of SQLBulkCopyJob.

public virtual void Close()

public void Dispose()

public virtual bool GetBoolean(int i)

public virtual byte GetByte(int i)

public virtual long GetBytes(int i, long fieldOffset, byte[] buffer, int bufferoffset, int length)

public virtual char GetChar(int i)

public virtual long GetChars(int i, long fieldoffset, char[] buffer, int bufferoffset, int length)

Gets or sets the column mappings used by this SqlBulkCopyDataReader.

public abstract object GetColumnValue(int columnIndex)

Return the value of the specified column index.

public virtual IDataReader GetData(int i)

public virtual string GetDataTypeName(int i)

public virtual DateTime GetDateTime(int i)

public virtual decimal GetDecimal(int i)

public virtual double GetDouble(int i)

public virtual Type GetFieldType(int i)

public virtual float GetFloat(int i)

public virtual Guid GetGuid(int i)

public virtual short GetInt16(int i)

public virtual int GetInt32(int i)

public virtual long GetInt64(int i)

public virtual string GetName(int i)

public virtual int GetOrdinal(string name)

public virtual DataTable GetSchemaTable()

public virtual string GetString(int i)

public virtual int GetValues(object[] values)

public virtual bool IsDBNull(int i)

public virtual bool NextResult()

public virtual bool Read()

Advances this SqlBulkCopyDataReader to the next record.

public void Run(BaseContext context, SqlBulkCopyOptions copyOptions)

Execute this bulk copy job against the provided context utilizing the provided copy options.