<PackageReference Include="Relativity.Server.Utility.SDK" Version="5000.0.0" />


public sealed class Config
Provides access to configuration values for kCura.Data.RowDataGateway.

The default length a sql parameter can take and still be considered valid.

public const int DEFAULT_SQL_COMMAND_TIMEOUT = 30

public const int MINIMUM_COMMAND_TIMEOUT = 15

public static int AnalyticsCategorizationDeadlockWait { get; }

Gets the configuration value specifying how long to wait before assuming a deadlock has occurred.

public static int AppLockTimeoutInMilliseconds { get; }

public static int CommandTimeout { get; }

public static string ConnectionFormatString { get; }

Gets a connection string ready for formatting, where {0} = data Source, {1} = initial catalog.

public static string ConnectionString { get; }

Gets the connection string with which to connect to SQL Server.

public static int ConnectTimeout { get; }

Gets the database connection timeout associated with ConnectionString. If not configured, defaults to 30 seconds.

public static int ConnectTimeoutBaseWaitDurationMilliseconds { get; }

public static int DeadlockWaitDurationMilliseconds { get; }

public static string GetEncryptionKey { get; }

Gets the database prepend associated with ConnectionString.

public static int LongRunningQueryTimeout { get; }

Gets the configuration value specifying how long to allow a SQL query to run.

Gets a remote database connection based on the configured MasterDatabaseServer and MasterDatabaseName.

public static string MasterDatabaseName { get; }

Gets the database name associated with ConnectionString.

public static string this[bool specifyServer] { get; }

Gets the database prepend associated with ConnectionString with a boolean indicating whether or not to specify the master database server name.

public static string MasterDatabaseServer { get; }

Gets the database server associated with ConnectionString.

public static string MasterDatabaseUserName { get; }

Gets the database user name associated with ConnectionString.

public static string this[string databaseName] { get; }

Gets the database prepend using MasterDatabaseServer, MasterDatabaseUserName, and the provided database name.

public static int NumberOfTriesOnAzureSqlTransientError { get; }

public static int NumberOfTriesOnConnectionPoolTimeout { get; }

public static int NumberOfTriesOnConnectTimeout { get; }

public static int NumberOfTriesOnDeadlock { get; }

Gets the configuration value specifying how many times to re-attempt a particular SQL statement.

public static int NumberOfTriesOnTimeout { get; }

public static int ParameterLoggingMaxLength { get; }

Gets the configuration value specifying the maximum length, for logging, of parameters.

public static string this[string serverName, string databaseName] { get; }

Gets the database prepend using the provided server, database name, and configured user name.

public static string this[string serverName, string databaseName] { get; }

Gets the database prepend using the provided server, database name, and the 'dbo' user.

public static string ServiceBusLocation { get; }

Gets the configuration value specifying the connection string of Relativity's service bus.

public static IDictionary Settings { get; }

Gets the configuration values for kCura.Data.RowDataGateway.

public static int TimeoutBaseWaitDurationMilliseconds { get; }

public Config()

public static string FormatConnectionString(string connectionString, string dataSource, string initialCatalog)

Formats a provided connection string with the provided data source and initial catalog.

public static string FormatConnectionString(string connectionString, string dataSource, string initialCatalog, string user)

public static void MockConfigurationValue(string configValue, object value)

This should only be called for mocking purposes and not to set values in production code. If you call this method in production code you will be shamed. This will only work if you call it before the Settings property is called.

public static int SanitizeCommandTimeout(int potentialTimeout)

public static void SetConnectionString(string connectionString)

Sets the connection string used to retrieve configuration values.