<PackageReference Include="Relativity.Server.Productions.SDK" Version="12.3.0" />


public interface IProductionManager : IDisposable
The interface enables interaction with Relativity Productions.

Sets the cancel job for a production job given its job ref.

Task<int> CreateSingleAsync(int workspaceArtifactID, Production production)

Creates a production in the workspace.

Task DeleteSingleAsync(int workspaceArtifactID, int productionArtifactID)

Deletes a production in the workspace.

Task<List<Production>> GetAllAsync(int workspaceArtifactID, DataSourceReadMode mode = 1)

Retrieves all productions a user has access to in a workspace

Task<ProductionJobStatusResult> GetJobStatus(int workspaceArtifactID, int productionArtifactID, bool includePercentages = false, int numberOfBrandingErrors = 10)

Retrieves the status of the production job.

Task<List<ProductionSlim>> GetProducedProductionsFromDocumentsAsync(int workspaceArtifactID, IEnumerable<int> documentIDs)

Retrieves a list of ProductionSlim of all produced productions that contain at least one document in documentIDs. /// The key-value set is: [{ "DateProduced": DateTime} , { "BeginBates": String } , { "EndBates": String }]

Task<List<ProductionSlim>> GetProducedProductionsFromDocumentsAsync(int workspaceArtifactID, string databaseToken)

Retrieves a list of ProductionSlim of all produced productions based on the database token corresponding to a mass action. The key-value set is: [{ "DateProduced": DateTime} , { "BeginBates": String } , { "EndBates": String }]

Task<List<ProductionSlim>> GetProducedProductionsFromDocumentsAsync(int workspaceArtifactID, IEnumerable<int> documentIDs, bool excludeNonReproducible)

Retrieves a list of ProductionSlim of all produced productions that contain at least one document in documentIDs. /// The key-value set is: [{ "DateProduced": DateTime} , { "BeginBates": String } , { "EndBates": String }]

Task<List<ProductionSlim>> GetProducedProductionsFromDocumentsAsync(int workspaceArtifactID, string databaseToken, bool excludeNonReproducible)

Retrieves a list of ProductionSlim of all produced productions based on the database token corresponding to a mass action. The key-value set is: [{ "DateProduced": DateTime} , { "BeginBates": String } , { "EndBates": String }]

Task<ImageFilesResult> GetProductionImagesAsync(int workspaceArtifactID, int productionArtifactID, List<int> documents)

Retrieves a list of ImageFile for all documents specified that belong to the given workspace and production.

Task<PagedImageFilesResult> GetProductionImagesAsync(int workspaceArtifactID, int productionArtifactID, int start, int length, int pageSize)

Retrieves a list of FileResults of every produced file currently associated with the workspace and production in no particular order.

Retrieves a list of FileResults on the specified pageUri.

Task<int> GetProductionRestrictionAsync(int workspaceArtifactID)

Retrieve the artifact ID of the saved search currently using as production restriction in the workspace specified. If no value has been set, return 0

Task<List<ProductionSlim>> GetProductionsEligibleForReproductionAsync(int workspaceArtifactID, string databaseToken, ReproductionType reproductionType)

Retrieves a list of ProductionSlim of all produced productions based on the database token corresponding to a mass action that are eligible for Reproduction based on the given reproductionType. Only productions containing all documents selected in the mass action will be returned. The key-value set is: [{ "DateProduced": DateTime} , { "BeginBates": String } , { "EndBates": String }, { "DocumentsReproducible": Int32 }]

Task<ProductionStatusDetailsResult> GetProductionStatusDetails(int workspaceArtifactId, int productionArtifactId)

Retrieves the status of the production at each step. This includes details on document count, image count, and several other metrics to indicate the progress.

Makes a request to cancel multiple production jobs.

Task<MassCancelResult> MassCancelAsync(int workspaceArtifactID, int reproductionJobID)

Makes a request to cancel all productions associated with the reproductionJobID in the given workspace.

Makes a request to retry multiple production jobs currently in an Error state or to retry a delete job.

Runs, stages and runs, or retries all new, staged, or errored Productions. If any of the productions fail, none of the productions will run, stage and run, or retry.

Task<IEnumerable<ProductionJobResult>> MassStageAndRunProductionsAsync(int workspaceID, int reproductionJobID)

Runs, stages and runs, or retries all new, staged, or errored Productions in the Reproduction Job. If any of the productions fail, none of the productions will run, stage and run, or retry.

Task<Production> ReadSingleAsync(int workspaceArtifactID, int productionArtifactID, DataSourceReadMode dataSourceReadMode = 1)

Returns an instance of Production object.

Task RerunProductionAsync(int workspaceArtifactID, int productionArtifactID)

Queues up a job to retry a production in Error state.

Task<ProductionJobResult> RunProductionAsync(int workspaceArtifactID, int productionArtifactID, bool suppressWarnings = false, bool overrideConflicts = false)

Queues up the job that will kick off the run production step.

Task SetProductionRestrictionsAsync(int workspaceArtifactID, int productionRestrictionSearchID)

Add production restriction on the workspace if it's not set. If already set, replace the current production restriction with the new one

Task<ProductionJobResult> StageProductionAsync(int workspaceArtifactID, int productionArtifactID)

Queues up the job that will kick off the stage production step.

Task<ProductionJobResult> StageProductionAsync(int workspaceArtifactID, int productionArtifactID, bool automaticallyRun)

Queues up the job that will kick off the stage production step.

Task UpdateSingleAsync(int workspaceArtifactId, Production production)

Updates a production in the workspace.