<PackageReference Include="Relativity.Server.Productions.SDK" Version="12.3.0" />


Namespace with 45 public types


 DocumentFieldNumbering Represents the document field numbering scheme. The scheme allows you to use any fixed-length text field on the Document object for your numbering. For example, you could choose control number as the field and produce documents using the control number as the Bates field to maintain the original numbering of the documents.
 DocumentLevelNumbering Represents the document-level numbering scheme. The scheme allows you to generate a new document number for each document. The number is branded on the images in your production.
 ExistingProductionNumbering Represents the numbering scheme based on an already existing production. The scheme allows you to re-use the Bates numbering fields from a previously-run production set. With existing production numbering you can change markup sets or header and footer designations without changing the Bates numbers. For example, you can use the scheme if a court order requires that your documents be produced without an already-applied confidential branding or if you need to redact already-produced documents for privilege.
 HeaderFooter Represents the information on the headers and footers of produced pages.
 InnerReproductionJobResult Represents the result of an attempt to create a specific reproduction of a production within a Reproduction Job set.
 MarkupSetRef A reference object for Relativity markup sets. The properties only include the markup set name and artifact ID.
 OriginalImageNumbering Represents the original image numbering scheme. The scheme allows you to retain the identifiers originally associated with your images. For example, you may want to retain the Bates or other numbers already assigned to images uploaded to Relativity. Relativity utilizes these values to create the production and attachment numbers.
 PageLevelNumbering Represents the page-level numbering scheme. The scheme allows you to generate a new incremental number (also known as a Bates number) on every page across your document set. This number is branded on the images in your production.
 Production Represents a Relativity production.
 ProductionDataSource Represents a datasource that holds documents to be included in the production.
 ProductionDataSourceRef A reference object for Relativity production data sources. The properties only include the data source name and artifact ID.
 ProductionDetails Represents the details of a production as captured by the Production Details section on the Relativity UI.
 ProductionFooters Represents the set of footers on produced page. You can add a left footer, a right footer, and a center footer.
 ProductionHeaders Represents the set of headers on produced page. You can add a left header, a right header, and a center header.
 ProductionJobResult Represents the result of an attempt to create a job when a production is run or staged.
 ProductionMetadata Metadata for the production. Information in this object is created and updated by Relativity. Any information provided will be discarded on create and update of a Production object.
 ProductionNumberingBase Base class that represents the numbering scheme for production documents.
 ProductionPlaceholder Represents a production placeholder.
 ProductionPlaceholderRef A reference object for Relativity production placeholders. The properties only include the placeholder name and artifact ID.
 ProductionProgressResult Represents the result of a production progress check.
 ProductionRef A reference object for Relativity productions. The properties only include the production name and artifact ID.
 ProductionSlim DTO containing a and a dictionary of FieldValue pairs, identified by Field name.
 ReplaceDocumentWithPlaceholderOptions Defines options for creating a Reproduction job when using the ReproduceDocumentWithPlaceholder reproduction mode
 ReplacePlaceholderWithDocumentOptions Defines options for creating a Reproduction job when using the ReplacePlaceholderWithDocument reproduction mode
 ReproduceDocumentOptions Defines options for creating a Reproduction job when using the ReproduceDocument reproduction mode
 ReproductionJobResult Represents the result of an attempt to create a Reproduction job and all associated Production sets
 ReproductionOptions Options used for creating a Reproduction Job


 DataSourceReadMode The enum defines the valid modes of retrieving data sources and placeholders on datasources during Production API reads
 HeaderFooterType The enum defines valid values for production header and footer types.
 NumberingType The enum defines valid values for Relativity production numbering type.
 PlaceholderImageFormat The enum defines the valid values for placeholder image format
 PlaceholderType The enum defines valid values for placeholder types.
 ProductionJobStatus The enum defines valid values for Relativity production job status.
 ProductionStatus The enum defines valid values for Relativity production status.
 ProductionType The enum defines valid values for Relativity production types.
 ReproduceNatives The enum defines options for whether or not to include Natives when reproducing a document
 ReproductionStatus This enum defines valid values for a reproduction job status.
 ReproductionType This enum defines valid values for Existing Production Numbering reproduction types.
 UseImagePlaceholderOption The enum defines valid values for Use Image Placeholder option


 IDocumentPageNumberFields The interface enables setting the page number properties for the document-level and document field production numbering schemes.
 IProductionDataSourceManager The interface enables interaction with Relativity Production Data Sources.
 IProductionManager The interface enables interaction with Relativity Productions.
 IProductionModule Production Module Interface
 IProductionPlaceholderManager The interface enables interaction with Relativity Production Placeholders.
 IReproductionJobManager This interface enables interaction with Relativity Reproductions.