<PackageReference Include="Relativity.Server.Productions.SDK" Version="12.3.0" />


Represents the result of an attempt to read the status of a production job.
public List<string> BrandingErrors { get; set; }

Branding error messages.

public ProductionJobStatus JobStatus { get; set; }

The status of the Production Job.

public string LastRunError { get; set; }

The last run error message.

public string LastRunStatus { get; set; }

The last run status message.

public int NumberOfBrandingErrors { get; set; }

Total number of branding errors that occured on an errored job.

public decimal PercentageImaging { get; set; }

The percentage complete of the branding process.

public decimal PercentageProducing { get; set; }

The percentage complete of the producing process.

public ProductionStatus Status { get; set; }

The status of the Production.

Creates a new instance of ProductionJobStatusResult.