<PackageReference Include="Relativity.Server.API.SDK" Version="5000.0.3" />


public interface ISecretStore
Provides synchronous and asynchronous methods for interacting with the Relativity Secret Store.
void Delete(string path)

Deletes a secret at the given path.

Task DeleteAsync(string path)

Asynchronously deletes a secret the given path.

Secret Get(string path)

Retrieves a secret for the given path.

Task<Secret> GetAsync(string path)

Asynchronously retrieves a secret for the given path.

List<string> List(string path)

Gets the list of all secrets and sub-paths at the specified path.

Task<List<string>> ListAsync(string path)

Asynchronously gets the list of all secrets and sub-paths at the specified path.

void Set(string path, Secret secret)

Writes a secret at the given path.

Task SetAsync(string path, Secret secret)

Asynchronously writes a secret at the given path.