<PackageReference Include="Relativity.Server.API.SDK" Version="5000.0.3" />


public interface IInstanceSettingsBundle
A unified group of Instance Setting values. All values returned from this interface are snapshots of the latest Instance Settings data. You should call this interface every time you need to retrieve a value.
void ForceRefresh()

Forces all Instance Setting values to be reloaded from the data store for the next read.

bool? GetBool(string section, string name)

Reads an Instance Setting value as a boolean.

Task<bool?> GetBoolAsync(string section, string name)

Asynchronously reads an Instance Setting value as a boolean.

int? GetInt(string section, string name)

Reads an Instance Setting value as an integer.

Task<int?> GetIntAsync(string section, string name)

Asynchronously reads an Instance Setting value as an integer.

long? GetLong(string section, string name)

Reads an Instance Setting value as a 64-bit integer.

Task<long?> GetLongAsync(string section, string name)

Asynchronously reads an Instance Setting value as a 64-bit integer.

Parses all Instance Setting values places them into a dictionary.

Asynchronously parses all Instance Setting values places them into a dictionary.

string GetString(string section, string name)

Reads an Instance Setting value as a string.

Task<string> GetStringAsync(string section, string name)

Asynchronously reads an Instance Setting value as a string.

uint? GetUInt(string section, string name)

Reads an Instance Setting value as an unsigned integer.

Task<uint?> GetUIntAsync(string section, string name)

Asynchronously reads an Instance Setting value as an unsigned integer.

ulong? GetULong(string section, string name)

Reads an Instance Setting value as an unsigned 64-bit integer.

Task<ulong?> GetULongAsync(string section, string name)

Asynchronously reads an Instance Setting value as an unsigned 64-bit integer.