<PackageReference Include="Relativity.Server.API.SDK" Version="5000.0.3" />


public static class ExtensionPointServiceFinder
This is a static provider to find interface for infrastructure information about the system.
public static IInstanceSettingsBundle InstanceSettingsBundle { get; set; }

Helps get the Instance Setting Bundle to retrieve instance settings

public static ISecretStore SecretStoreHelper { get; set; }

Helps get Secret Store to read, write, and delete secrets.

public static IMonitorSecurityEvents SecurityEventMonitor { get; set; }

Helps get Security Monitory to create security events.

public static IProvideServiceUris ServiceUriProvider { get; set; }

Helps find the Services Uri endpoints.

public static IProvideSystemTokens SystemTokenProvider { get; set; }

Helps get System Access Tokens.

public static IWebServerHelper WebServerHelper { get; set; }

Helps get Uris to make calls inside the environment.