Represents a crontab field.
Parses a crontab field expression representing days.
Parses a crontab field expression representing days of the week.
Parses a crontab field expression representing hours.
Parses a crontab field expression representing minutes.
Parses a crontab field expression representing months.
Parses a provided string representation of a crontab field according to its specified kind. Throws an exception on failure.
Attempts to parse a provided string representation of a crontab field according to its specified kind.
public static ValueOrError<CrontabField> TryParse(CrontabFieldKind kind, string expression, ExceptionHandler onError)
Attempts to parse a provided string representation of a crontab field according to its specified kind.
Indicates if the value at the provided index exists.
Formats this CrontabField using the provided text writer.
Formats this CrontabField using the provided text writer, with or withour names.
Gets the index of the first value that is set on this CrontabField.
Gets the index of the next value to set on this CrontabField.
Gets the string representation of this CrontabField, respecting formatting.