<PackageReference Include="Relativity.Server.Utility.SDK" Version="5000.0.0" />


public interface IX509Certificate2
Represents a certificate used to securely identify a particular machine.
string DnsIssuedToName { get; }

Gets the DNS name of the server to which this certificate was issued.

string DnsIssuerName { get; }

Gets the DNS name associated with the alternative name of either the subject or issuer of the X509 certificate.

string FriendlyName { get; set; }

Gets or sets the friendly name of this certificate.

byte[] GetCertHash { get; }

Gets the certificate's hash.

IntPtr Handle { get; }

Gets the handle to the unmanaged representation of this certificate.

bool IsExpired { get; }

Indicates whether or not this certificate is still valid.

string Issuer { get; }

Gets the name of the certificate authority that issued this certificate.

bool IsSystemValid { get; }

Inidicates whether or not this chain of trust associated with this certificate is valid.

bool IsValidInLocalDomain { get; }

Indicates whether or not the certificate is valid in the local domain.

DateTime NotAfter { get; }

Gets the expiration date of this certificate.

Gets the date on which this certificate becomes valid.

Gets a reference to this certificate.

string ParentStoreName { get; set; }

Gets or sets the parent store in which this certificate is housed.

byte[] RawData { get; }

Gets the raw byte data of this certificate.

string SimpleIssuedTo { get; }

Gets the simple name of the server to which this certificate was issued.

string SimpleIssuer { get; }

Gets the certificates simple issuer name and subject.

string Subject { get; }

Gets the subject of this certificate.

string Thumbprint { get; }

Gets the thumbprint of this certificate.

bool Verify { get; }

Inidicates whether or not this chain of trust associated with this certificate is valid.

string GetNameInfo(X509NameType nameType, bool forIssuer)

Gets the full name of this certificate.