<PackageReference Include="Relativity.Server.Utility.SDK" Version="5000.0.0" />


public class Manager
Provides methods for parse-safe retrieval, encryption/decryption, and storage of configuration values.
public Manager()

public static void ClearCache()

Nulls the reference to the underlying collection of configuration values.

public static string Decrypt(string input)

Decrypts the provided input string.

public static string Encrypt(string input)

Encrypts the provided configuration value using Triple DES encryption. Leverages an encryption key built from the data within ConnectionString.

public static IDictionary GetConfig(string sectionName)

Gets an auto-refreshing IDictionary of configuration values associated with the specified section name.

The values will be refreshed, if they are stale, when accessed. Values are considered stale after 10 seconds.

public static IDictionary GetConfig(string sectionName, IConfigDictionaryFactory dictionaryFactory)

Gets an IDictionary of configuration values with the given section name using the given dictionary factory.

public static int GetSafeInt32Value(IDictionary settings, string key, int defaultValue)

Try to get the Int32 value from the dictionary. If anything goes wrong, return defaultValue.

public static long GetSafeInt64Value(IDictionary settings, string key, long defaultValue)

Try to get the Int64 value from the dictionary. If anything goes wrong, return defaultValue.

public static bool GetSafeTrueFalseValue(IDictionary settings, string key, bool defaultValue)

Try to get the Boolean value from the dictionary. If anything goes wrong, return defaultValue.

public static object GetValue(IDictionary settings, string key, object defaultValue)

Gets from the given IDictionary the element specificed by the given key, or a default value if the key does not exist.

public static void SetValue(string section, string name, string value, string machineName)

Sets the specified configuration value in the specified section to the provided value.