<PackageReference Include="Relativity.Server.Testing.Framework.Api.SDK" Version="5000.1.0" />


public interface IScriptService
Represents the script API service.
Script Create(int workspaceId, Script entity)

Creates the specified script.

void Delete(int workspaceId, int entityId)

Deletes the script by ID.

EnqueueRunJobResponse EnqueueRunJob(int workspaceId, int scriptId, List<ScriptInput> inputs = null, double timeZoneOffset = 0)

Enqueues a script run job.

Creates and/or enables a ScriptRunManager Agent to make sure that the environment can run scripts.

Script Get(int workspaceId, int entityId)

Gets the script by the specified ID.

string Preview(int workspaceId, int scriptId, List<ScriptInput> inputs = null, double timeZoneOffset = 0)

Gives a preview of what the exact SQL the script will run given a set of parameters.

ActionResultsQueryResponse QueryActionJobResults(int workspaceId, Guid runJobId, int actionIndex, ActionQueryRequest actionQueryRequest = null, int start = 0, int length = 100)

Queries the results of a completed action job.

RunJob ReadRunJob(int workspaceId, Guid runJobId)

Retrieves a script run job.

int RunStatusAction(int workspaceId, int scriptId, List<ScriptInput> inputs = null)

Executes a script with status action and parameters.

DataTable RunTableAction(int workspaceId, int scriptId, List<ScriptInput> inputs = null, ActionQueryRequest actionQueryRequest = null)

Executes a script with table action and parameters.

void Update(int workspaceId, Script entity)

Updates the specified script.