Represents the script API service.
Creates the specified script.
Deletes the script by ID.
EnqueueRunJobResponse EnqueueRunJob(int workspaceId, int scriptId, List<ScriptInput> inputs = null, double timeZoneOffset = 0)
Enqueues a script run job.
Creates and/or enables a ScriptRunManager Agent to make sure that the environment can run scripts.
Gets the script by the specified ID.
string Preview(int workspaceId, int scriptId, List<ScriptInput> inputs = null, double timeZoneOffset = 0)
Gives a preview of what the exact SQL the script will run given a set of parameters.
ActionResultsQueryResponse QueryActionJobResults(int workspaceId, Guid runJobId, int actionIndex, ActionQueryRequest actionQueryRequest = null, int start = 0, int length = 100)
Queries the results of a completed action job.
Retrieves a script run job.
Executes a script with status action and parameters.
DataTable RunTableAction(int workspaceId, int scriptId, List<ScriptInput> inputs = null, ActionQueryRequest actionQueryRequest = null)
Executes a script with table action and parameters.
Updates the specified script.