<PackageReference Include="Relativity.Server.Testing.Framework.Api.SDK" Version="5000.1.0" />


Namespace with 46 public types


 IAccountPoolService Represents the service that provides a pool of users and default properties for them.
 IAdminPermissionService Represents the admin permission API service.
 IAgentService Represents the [Agent](https://relativitydev.github.io/relativity.testing.framework/api/Relativity.Testing.Framework.Models.Agent.html) API service.
 IApplicationFieldCodeService Represents the Application Field Code API service.
 IBatchService Represents the batch API service.
 IBatchSetService Represents the batch set API service.
 IChoiceService Represents the choice API service.
 IClientService Represents the client API service.
 IDocumentService Represents the document service.
 IEntityService Represents the entity API service.
 IErrorService Represents the error API service.
 IFieldService Represents the field API service.
 IFileFieldService Represents the file field API service. Exposes methods for downloading and uploading files linked to file fields.
 IFolderService Represents the Folder API service.
 IGroupService Represents the group API service.
 IHttpService Represents the HTTP service that provides a set of methods to communicate with Relativity REST API.
 IImagingJobService Represents the Imaging Job API service.
 IImagingNativeTypeService Represents the NativeType API service.
 IImagingProfileService Represents the ImagingProfile API service.
 IImagingSetService Represents the Imaging Set API service.
 IImportApiService Represents the REST HTTP service that provides a set of methods to communicate with Relativity Kepler REST API.
 IInstanceSettingsService Represents the instance settings API service.
 IItemPermissionService Represents the item permission API service.
 IKeyboardShortcutsService Represents the Keyboard Shortcuts API service.
 IKeywordSearchService Represents the keyword search API service.
 ILayoutService Represents the layout API service.
 ILibraryApplicationService Represents the Library application API service.
 IMarkupSetService Represents the markup API service.
 IMatterService Represents the matter API service.
 IMessageOfTheDayService Represents the message of the day (MotD) through the Notifications service.
 IObjectTypeService Represents the object type API service.
 IOcrProfileService Represents the optical character recognition API service.
 IPermissionService Represents the permission API service.
 IProductionDataSourceService Represents the production data source API service.
 IProductionPlaceholderService Represents the production placeholder API service.
 IProductionService Represents the production API service.
 IResourcePoolService Represents the resource pool API service.
 IResourceServerService Represents the resource server API service.
 IRestService Represents the REST HTTP service that provides a set of methods to communicate with Relativity REST APIs.Under normal circumstances, it is not necessary to directly utilize the IRestService, as calls to it are made by the specific Services/Strategies.
 IScriptService Represents the script API service.
 ISearchProviderService Represents the search provider API service.
 ITabService Represents the tab API service for interacting with Tabs.
 IUserService Represents the user API service.
 IViewService Represent the API view service.
 IWorkspacePermissionService Represents the workspace permission API service.
 IWorkspaceService Represents the workspace API service.