<PackageReference Include="Relativity.Server.Testing.Framework.Api.SDK" Version="5000.1.0" />


public interface IObjectService
Represents the service that interacts with object manager API.
TObject Create<TObject>(int workspaceId, TObject entity) where TObject : Artifact

Creates the specified entity of TObject type.

List<int> Create<TObject>(int workspaceId, IEnumerable<TObject> entities) where TObject : Artifact

Creates the specified workspace entities of TObject type.

void Delete(int workspaceId, int entityId)

Deletes the workspace entity by the specified IDs of workspace and entity.

void Delete(int workspaceId, IEnumerable<int> entityIds)

Deletes the workspace entities by the specified ArtifactIDs of workspace and entities.

TObject[] GetAll<TObject>()

Gets all objects of TObject type.

TObject[] GetAll<TObject>(Expression<Func<TObject, object>> wherePropertySelector, object whereValue)

Gets all objects of TObject type matching specified property filter.

ObjectQuery<TObject> Query<TObject>()

Gets a query to enumerate TObject objects.

void Update(int workspaceId, MassUpdateByObjectIdentifiersRequest massRequestByObjectIdentifiers)

Updates specified fields on a list of Documents or Relativity Dynamic Objects (RDOs) that match a set of identifiers by setting the fields to the same value.

void Update<TObject>(int workspaceId, TObject entity) where TObject : Artifact

Updates the specified workspace entity of TObject type.

void Update(int workspaceId, int entityId, IList<FieldRefValuePair> fieldValues)

Updates the specified workspace entity fields.