<PackageReference Include="Relativity.Server.Shared.SDK" Version="5000.0.1" />


Namespace with 20 public types


 Action An action that can be performed on the given static object.
 Dependency Represents dependency information for one ObjectType.
 DisplayableObjectIdentifier An identifier that also includes a name.
 DisplayableObjectTypeIdentifier An identifier that can identify an Object Type by its ArtifactID, Guids, Name, or ArtifactTypeID.
 FieldRef Represents a Relativity Field reference.
 Meta A collection of information about properties on a given object.
 ObjectIdentifier An identifier that can identify an object by its ArtifactID or Guids.
 Securable`1 Generic class that indicates whether or not the given value is secured from the current user
 SecurableList`1 Generic class that indicates whether a list has items secured from the current user.


 IHaveActions Declares that the object will have s.
 IHaveArtifactID Declares that the object will have an Artifact ID.
 IHaveCreatedAndModified Represents a DTO with information about the creation and modification of an object.
 IHaveDisplayableObjectIdentifier Declares that the object will have a .
 IHaveGuids Declares that the object will have Guid identifiers.
 IHaveKeywordsAndNotes Represents a DTO with Keywords and Notes properties.
 IHaveMeta Declares that the object will have .
 IHaveMetaAndActions Represents a DTO with Meta and Actions properties.
 IHaveName Declares that the object will have a name.
 IHaveObjectIdentifier Declares that the object will have an .
 IHaveSecurableCreatedAndModified Represents a DTO with information about the creation and modification of an object which uses the security model.