<PackageReference Include="Relativity.Server.Shared.SDK" Version="5000.0.1" />


Namespace with 16 public types


 ArtifactNotFoundException Represents exceptions that occur when an artifact required for an operation cannot be found.
 ConflictException Represents exceptions that occur when the request could not be carried out because of a conflict on the server.
 DuplicateArtifactException Represents exceptions that occur when specifying a field or object more than once
 InsufficientArgumentException Represents exceptions that occur when a parameter does not have enough fields or values
 InvalidInputException A ValidationException that includes validation errors to be displayed to the consumer
 InvalidObjectTypeException Represents exceptions that occur when specifying an unexpected object type.
 InvalidValueTypeException Represents exceptions that occur when specifying the wrong type of value
 MissingArgumentException Represents exceptions that occur when missing required parameters
 NotFoundException Represents exceptions that occur when the server cannot find what was requested.
 PermissionDeniedException Represents exceptions that occur when trying to modify an object for which the user does not have permission
 SaveConflictException Represents an exception that occurs due to a conflict in the last modified datetime.
 TemporarilyUnavailableException Represents exceptions that occur when an underlying service is unavailable due to downtime or maintenance.
 UnprocessableEntityException Represents an exception that occurs due to an invalid object being passed in as an API parameter.
 UnsupportedFieldTypeException Represents exceptions that occur when specifying a field type that is not supported.
 UnsupportedObjectTypeException Represents exceptions that occur when specifying an object type that is not supported.
 ValidationError Represents an error due to invalid input on an API endpoint.