<PackageReference Include="Relativity.Server.Productions.SDK" Version="24000.0.1" />


public class Production : ProductionRef
Represents a Relativity production.
public List<ProductionDataSource> DataSources { get; set; }

One or more datasources that hold the documents to be included in the production.

public ProductionDetails Details { get; set; }

Production settings (correspond to the Production Details section of the Relativity UI).

public ProductionFooters Footers { get; set; }

Describes what kind of information goes on the page footers.

public ProductionHeaders Headers { get; set; }

Describes what kind of information goes on the page headers.

public string Keywords { get; set; }

Optional field for recording additional information associated with the production as keywords.

public string Notes { get; set; }

Detailed description of the production.

public ProductionNumberingBase Numbering { get; set; }

The numbering scheme for the production documents.

Production metadata. The information in this object is created and updated by Relativity.

public List<RelativityApplicationRef> RelativityApplications { get; set; }

Relativity applications associated with this production.

public bool ShouldCopyInstanceOnWorkspaceCreate { get; set; }

Indicates whether the production should be copied when the containing workspace is used as a template for creating another workspace.

public List<Sort> SortOrder { get; set; }

Determines how the documents in the production will be sorted. A maximum of 5 sorts are allowed.

public Production()

Creates a new instance of Production.