<PackageReference Include="Relativity.Server.Productions.SDK" Version="24000.0.1" />


Represents the numbering scheme based on an already existing production. The scheme allows you to re-use the Bates numbering fields from a previously-run production set. With existing production numbering you can change markup sets or header and footer designations without changing the Bates numbers. For example, you can use the scheme if a court order requires that your documents be produced without an already-applied confidential branding or if you need to redact already-produced documents for privilege.
public ClawbackDetails ClawbackDetails { get; set; }

The clawback details for the Existing Production Numbering, if it was a clawback job.

public ProductionRef ExistingProduction { get; set; }

Reference to an existing production artifact.

public bool MergeWithExistingSet { get; set; }

Specifies whether or not to merge the numbering with the existing production.

public ReproductionType ReproductionType { get; set; }

The reproduction type for the Existing Production Numbering.

Creates a new instance of ExistingProductionNumbering.