<PackageReference Include="Relativity.Server.Productions.SDK" Version="24000.0.1" />


Defines options for creating a Reproduction job when using the ReplacePlaceholderWithDocument reproduction mode.
public bool BurnRedactions { get; set; }

Whether or not to burn redactions on reproduced images. When using this option, there must be a valid MarkupSet.

public string Delimiter { get; set; }

Delimiter to use between the original placeholder bates number and the suffixed page number.

public bool IncludeNatives { get; set; }

Whether or not to produce native documents when reproducing.

public int MarkupSetID { get; set; }

Markup Set artifact ID to use when burning redactions on reproduced documents.

public int NumberOfDigits { get; set; }

The number of digits to use for the suffixed page number.