<PackageReference Include="Relativity.Server.Productions.SDK" Version="24000.0.1" />


public enum ProductionStatus
The enum defines valid values for Relativity production status.

Relativity is branding the images.

Canceling = 16

Relativity is canceling the production process.

Error = 8

Relativity experienced an error while producing the documents.

Status entered when the StartingProduction status has errored.

New = 0

The production set is set up, but no data sources are added.

The production is complete and ready for export.

Relativity produced the documents with errors.

Relativity is assigning production numbers to the documents.

Relativity is cleaning up the existing files associated with the production.

Relativity is applying Bates numbers to the production.

Relativity is creating records for the Branding queue.

Relativity is creating placeholders for the production.

Run Production Job has been created in the queue after the producing steps. Waiting for branding agents to begin work

Run Production Job has been created in the queue but has not been picked up by an agent

Staging Job has been created in the queue but has not been picked up by an agent

Staged = 2

Staging is complete.

Staging = 1

Relativity is staging the production.

Relativity pre-sorts the documents and deletes any Production Information objects that may already exist if the production is being restaged.

Relativity is creating the Production Information records associated with the production.

Relativity experienced an error when building the list of documents for production. Make sure to correct the staging errors and restage the production before you run the production.

Relativity is running saved searches associated with the production data source.

Status entered when automatically running a production, after Staged but before Producing

Waiting = 4

Obsolete - Use Queued for Staging or Queued for Production