<PackageReference Include="Relativity.Server.Productions.SDK" Version="24000.0.0" />


public class ProductionProgress
Progress details of a production.
public string BeginBates { get; set; }

The Begin Bates of the production.

public long CurrentBrandingQueueLength { get; set; }

Number of incomplete branding jobs.

public long DocumentsWithImages { get; set; }

Number of documents with images.

public long DocumentsWithNatives { get; set; }

Number of documents with natives.

public long DocumentsWithPlaceHolders { get; set; }

Number of documents with placeholders.

public long DocumentsWithRedactions { get; set; }

Number of documents with redactions.

public string EndBates { get; set; }

The End Bates of the production.

public long ImagesBranded { get; set; }

Number of completed branded images.

public float ImageSizeInGb { get; set; }

Total size of all images in GB.

public long ImagesToBeBranded { get; set; }

Number of images to be branded.

public long ImagesWithErrors { get; set; }

Number of images with branding errors.

public DateTime ProductionRunDate { get; set; }

Produced date of the production.

public DateTime StartTime { get; set; }

Start time of the production job.

public string Status { get; set; }

Status of the production.

public long TotalBrandingQueueLength { get; set; }

Total number of branding jobs.

public long TotalDocuments { get; set; }

Total number of documents in the production.

public long TotalImages { get; set; }

Total number of images.