<PackageReference Include="Relativity.Server.Productions.SDK" Version="24000.0.0" />


public class ProductionMetadata
Metadata for the production. Information in this object is created and updated by Relativity. Any information provided will be discarded on create and update of a Production object.
public decimal BrandingPercentageComplete { get; set; }

Percentage of production run branding step that has been completed. Read only.

public bool DocumentsHaveRedactions { get; set; }

Internal field used to track if documents have redactions after they have been produced. Read only.

public int DocumentsWithImages { get; set; }

Total number of Documents with Images in the Production.

public int DocumentsWithNatives { get; set; }

Total number of Documents with Natives in the Production.

public int DocumentsWithPlaceholders { get; set; }

Total number of Documents with Placeholders in the Production.

public int DocumentsWithRedactions { get; set; }

Total number of Documents with Redactions in the Production.

public decimal ImagingPercentageComplete { get; set; }

Percentage of production run imaging step that has been completed. Read only.

public bool Imported { get; set; }

Internal field indicating whether this production was imported via Relativity Desktop Client. Read only.

public string LastRunError { get; set; }

Represents the last error that occured while running the agents.

public string LastRunStatus { get; set; }

Represents the last status after running the agents.

public bool LegacyProductionSet { get; set; }

Internal field used to track of whether this is a legacy production. Read only.

A reference object representing the saved search that contains all the documents produced when a production completes.

public UserRef RestrictionOverrideBy { get; set; }

Internal field used to keep track of production restrictions. Read only.

public DateTime RestrictionOverrideOn { get; set; }

Internal field used to keep track of production restrictions. Read only.

public ProductionStatus Status { get; set; }

Internal field used to track status of production. Read only.

public Securable<UserRef> SystemCreatedBy { get; set; }

Artifact ID of the user who created the production.

public Securable<DateTime> SystemCreatedOn { get; set; }

Date and time in UTC when the production was created.

public Securable<UserRef> SystemLastModifiedBy { get; set; }

Artifact IDĀ of the user who last modified the production.

public Securable<DateTime> SystemLastModifiedOn { get; set; }

Date and time in UTC when the search was last modified.

public int TotalDocumentCount { get; set; }

Total number of Documents in the Production.

public int TotalImagesCount { get; set; }

Total number of Images in the Production.

public int TotalProducedImageSize { get; set; }

Total Image size in GB.

Constructor. Sets default values for most properties