Represents an abstract object that provides thread-safe general import/export application settings.
Gets or sets the name of the application. This value is encoded within logs, metrics and potential transfer monitors.
Gets or sets the audit level applied to import jobs.
Valid values include: FullAudit, NoSnapshot, and NoAudit.
Gets or sets the number of retry attempts for batch in progress policy.
Gets or sets the number of seconds to wait between retry attempts for batch in progress policy.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to create an error when importing or exporting a zero byte file. This is false by default.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to create an error when exporting a zero byte file. This is false by default.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to create an error when importing fields with invalid dates. This is true by default.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to create folders using a WebAPI web service or a legacy client-side API. This is true by default.
Gets or sets the default maximum error count.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to disable image location validation. This is false by default.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to disable image type validation. This is false by default.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to disable file identification using Outside In technology. This is false by default.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to disable the text file encoding check. This is false by default.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to disable throwing exceptions when illegal characters are found within a path. This is false by default.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to automatically decrease the import batch size during the import when an error occurs. This is true by default.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use case-sensitive file matching during imports. This is true by default.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to enforce minimum retry counts. This is true by default.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to enforce minimum wait times. This is true by default.
Gets or sets the max number of records to export per batch.
Gets or sets the number of retry attempts for export related fault tolerant methods.
Gets or sets the number of seconds to wait between retry attempts for export related fault tolerant methods.
Gets or sets the size of the buffer in bytes to use when retrieving long text field data from Object Manager during export jobs.
Gets or sets the number of concurrent requests to retrieve long text field data, stored in Data Grid, from Object Manager during export jobs.
Gets or sets the rate, in seconds, that large file progress events are raised when retrieving long text field data from Object Manager during export jobs.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use Object Manager or the legacy Relativity.Distributed to retrieve long text field data during export jobs. This is true by default.
Gets or sets the number of concurrent requests to retrieve long text field data, stored in SQL Server, from Object Manager during export jobs.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether permission specific errors are retried in export. This is false by default.
Gets or sets the maximum number of seconds to identify a file type before reaching the timeout.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to force a folder preview. This is true by default.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to force web-mode. This is false by default.
Gets or sets the number of retry attempts for HTTP related fault tolerant methods.
Gets or sets the number of seconds to wait between retry attempts for HTTP related fault tolerant methods.
Gets or sets the timeout, in seconds, for the legacy Relativity.Distributed long text specific HTTP/REST-based API web services. This is 900 seconds by default.
Gets or sets the HTTP timeout in seconds. This is 300 seconds by default.
Gets or sets the maximum number of metadata bytes for a single single batch.
Gets or sets the max number of records to import per batch.
Gets or sets the number of seconds for internal Kepler timeout when calling ExecuteAsync().
Gets or sets the number of retry attempts for I/O related fault tolerant methods.
Gets or sets the number of seconds to wait between retry attempts for I/O related fault tolerant methods.
Gets or sets the total of bytes for a single batch.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to load full-text data during the import. This is false by default.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to log all the I/O events. This is false by default.
Gets or sets the name of the Relativity Logging Xml configuration file.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to hash sensitive data.
Gets or sets the maximum number of WebAPI login attempts.
Gets or sets the minimum number of records for a single batch.
Gets or sets the OAuth2 implicit credential redirect URL. This is only used for interactive processes like the RDC.
Gets or sets the list of artifacts to use for object field mapping.
Gets the Open ID Connect HRD or home realm discovery login hint.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether permission specific errors are retried in import. This is false by default.
Gets or sets the preview threshold.
Gets or sets the process form refresh-rate. This is a Relativity Desktop Client specific setting.
Gets or sets the programmatic Relativity Web API service URL.
Gets or sets the number of retry attempts for reading communication mode.
Gets or sets the number of seconds to wait between retry attempts for reading communication mode.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether gets or sets the value indicating whether the transfer client mode will attempt retries in the original mode before switching to the web mode.
Gets the retry options used by all retry policy blocks. This value is read-only because the value is driven by a combination of other setting values such as PermissionErrorsRetry.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to suppress server certificate validation errors. This is false by default.
Gets or sets the name of the root folder associated with the BCP share.
Gets or sets the size of the largest datagram size that will be used by Aspera.
Gets or sets the number of levels that differ between the configured document root and the native file share.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether Transfer API retries files that fail due to invalid paths. This is false by default.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether Transfer API should disable treating missing files as errors in export. This is false by default and always true for exports.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether Transfer API should retry missing files in export. This is true by default and always false for exports.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether Transfer API should disable treating missing files as errors in import. This is false by default and always true for exports.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether Transfer API should retry missing files in import. This is true by default and always false for exports.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to force using the Aspera transfer client. This is false by default.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to force using the HTTP transfer client client for all load file transfers. This is false by default.
Gets or sets a semi-colon delimited list of transfer client candidates.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to force the file share transfer client. This is false by default.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to force using the HTTP transfer client. This is false by default.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to raise progress events for large files. This is false by default.
Gets or sets the maximum number of seconds in which no data movement occurs before treating the transfer inactive. When this occurs, the import or export job continues but performance may be degraded.
Gets or sets the Transfer API maximum degree of parallelism for a single transfer job.
Gets or sets the Transfer API minimum data rate in megabits per second units.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to preserve import and export file timestamps. This is false by default.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether Transfer API should submit APM metrics when each transfer job completes. This is true by default.
Gets or sets the Transfer API target data rate in megabits per second units.
Gets or sets the directory where all Transfer API transfer logs are written.
Gets or sets a value indicating how often Import API should submit APM metrics during job execution.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether Import API should submit APM metrics periodically when executing a job and on job completion. This is true by default.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether Import API should submit SUM metrics on job start and on job completion. This is true by default.
Gets or sets the directory used for all temp storage.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the Kepler service should be used instead of WebApi service.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to execute native and object import tasks in parallel. This is true by default.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the searchable PDF mode is active or not.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether Native File Transfer and Metadata import operations are synchronized in the batch.
If set to True than Metadata import operation is not triggered until Native File transfer finishes.
Gets or sets the the refresh frequency, in milliseconds, to be used for updating configuration settings.
Gets or sets the time, in milliseconds, to wait before reconnecting.
Gets or sets the timeout, in seconds, before a WebAPI service call throws a timeout exception.
Gets or sets the Relativity Web API service URL. This will always return ProgrammaticWebApiServiceUrl and then this value. If none are defined, a final check is made with the Windows Registry to determine if it has been set of the RDC.
Gets or sets the number of bytes used when downloading chunks using web mode.
Performs a deep copy of this instance.
Validates that the URI is valid and returns a properly formatted URI string.